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【信報月刊】譚新強:看好內銀股 騰訊難大升

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版 ...全文



... 短的智能手機操作系統Android。他與佩奇和布林3人在2007年PC World的「50名影響網絡世界的重要 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2017年12月30日


... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版 下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版 ...全文



... l、YouTube和Android上,亦用了DM在Google龐大的數據中心幫忙預測空調用量,因此節省了40% ...全文


掌權17年功成身退 轉任技術顧問

... 禮的智能手機操作系統Android。公司股價上市至今大升24倍,截至12月22日,市值為7413億美元。 施密 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月23日

港府宜定目標 激發市民參與

... ogle Maps及Android的資料,亦整理了iPhone、BMW、 Nissan及Uber等平台的實時資 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月22日


... 睞,但在蘋果iOS及Android作業系統夾擊下,公司不得不轉移到Android作業系統,每隔一段時間就推出一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月21日

Chrome封殺違規廣告 斷傳媒財路

... 隨。該公司近日亦針對Android平台,要求應用程式(App)開發商必須在2019年8月前把軟件兼容至64-b ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月21日

EOS investors shell out US$700m for coins with ‘no purpose’: WSJ

...  Google’s Android operating system. Launched on June 26, the ICO of EOS tokens elicited great interest in the cryptocurrency sector, raising US$185 million in just five days. Block.one is the software ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-20


... (日本除外)第一次有Android手機可以把內置的FeliCa晶片,應用於八達通這一類電子錢包上,所以對八達通 ...全文


More needs to be done to make Hong Kong a smart city

... le Pay or Android Pay in public transport as other developed countries have these services in place. In fact, Lam should use the influence of her office to urge Octopus to open its platform to differe ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-19

「錢主」興起 北韓也可過小資生活?

... 《信報財經月刊》下載Android揭頁版 下載iOS揭頁版 《信報財經月刊》40周年優惠 ...影片


Tencent expected to raise US$1 billion in music unit's IPO

... a use the Android operating system, and Spotify hasn’t announced plans to expand there, it added. Tencent's music unit also has the advantage of being a part of a conglomerate that also offers WeChat ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Apple may be eyeing AR boost from Shazam deal

... h iOS and Android platforms for more than a decade. While it is known for song recognition capabilities, helping users identify unfamiliar songs, the app has also been building AR features. The techno ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

Bitcoin investing: The ABCs and the risks you need to know

...  Store in Android-supported smartphone or App Store in iPhone. One can have many options of e-wallet mobile apps to choose from, after typing in “bitcoin wallet”. As bitcoin is a decentralized currenc ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-12


... 李箱所在位置,並透過Android及iOS的免費手機應用程式提供實時數據。他解釋,Tumi全球定位器有4個不同 ...全文


Instagram testing standalone Direct messaging app

... ursday on Android and iOS in Chile, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, and Uruguay, according to technology news website the Verge. "We want Instagram to be a place for all of your moments, and private ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-08

【信報月刊】「錢主」興起 北韓也可過小資生活

... 刊》 訂閲揭頁版下載Android揭頁版下載iOS揭頁版訂閱印刷版   ...全文


專家教路投資有法 比特幣高追風險大

... 銀行開戶一樣。現時在Android或iOS程式商店,以關鍵字搜尋「比特幣錢包」,有不少應用程式可供選擇。 因這 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年12月08日

Apple's Cook optimistic that apps pulled in China will be back

...  cost for Android users to switch to the iPhone’s iOS system, which he said has around 15 percent of the smartphone market in China. “Tencent’s ubiquity in China plays to our advantage. Because WeChat ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07

頁數:1...90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ...127

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