
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...150

Trump dismisses fears of long trade war amid China warning

US President Donald Trump dismissed fears of a protracted trade war with China despite a warning from Beijing that labeling it a currency manipulator would have severe consequences for the global fina ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

Luxury department store Barneys files for bankruptcy protection

  US luxury department store chain Barneys New York Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Tuesday and put itself up for sale after facing soaring rents and failing in its earlier attempts to find a ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

JPMorgan confirms it won bid for majority stake in China fund JV

JPMorgan confirmed it has won an auction to hold a majority equity stake in its Chinese asset management joint venture (JV), becoming the first foreign firm to move closer to taking control of an onsh ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

US labels China a currency manipulator, escalating tensions

The US government has determined that China is manipulating its currency and will engage with the International Monetary Fund to eliminate unfair competition from Beijing, Reuters reports, citing US T ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

Insurance, economy, tariffs weigh on Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said its quarterly operating profit fell more than analysts expected, as weakness in insurance underwriting, a slowing economy and trade woes weighed on the conglomerate run by ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05


今年以來美債孳息曲線倒掛,短息高於長息下,吸引資金大舉流入貨幣市場基金,因這類基金投資於一般由1個月至1年期不 ...全文


摩通傳獲上投摩根控股權 外資首例

路透引述消息人士稱,摩根大通透過內地交易所拍賣,取得上投摩根基金管理(China International ...全文



本港創業環境正處於關鍵階段。一方面,香港正進一步發掘自身優勢;同時,創業環境亦面臨多方面挑戰。本港創業生態的發 ...全文


LSE confirms US$27 bln Refinitiv deal

London Stock Exchange (LSE) said it has agreed to buy financial information business Refinitiv in a US$27 billion deal, confirming a move to transform itself into a market data and analytics giant. “T ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-01

美元強勢 無損新興市場貨幣

美國聯儲局是否相隔十年後首度減息,今天自有分曉。不過在減息憧憬下,美滙指數於7月不跌反升,近日更升見98水平, ...全文


Retirement saving plans need to strike a delicate balance

Most developed economies are faced with the problem of aging population. Today, Americans retire on average at 62, in contrast to the situation a century ago when many of their ancestors tended to cal ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-31


新加坡召車程式公司Grab宣布,未來5年將利用軟銀(Softbank)集團的注資,向印尼投資20億美元(約15 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月31日

LSE shares surge as investors cheer US$27 bln Refinitiv bid

London Stock Exchange Group shares rose more than 15 percent to a record high on Monday as investors cheered its US$27 billion bid to buy financial data firm Refinitiv Holdings, Reuters reports.  Anal ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

8月無運行 保泰為上策

目前本港面對政經困局透不過氣來,金融投資市場亦處外憂內患境況,上月偷步炒「翻身」很快就無以為繼,維持炒股不炒市 ...全文



大連萬達集團於2016年收購美國電影製作公司傳奇影業,但一直不被外界看好,直到今年才憑着兩齣賣座電影《哥斯拉2 ...全文


Lagarde’s ECB checklist

The surprise nomination of Christine Lagarde to serve as the next president of the European Central Bank has pleased many observers, including me, and disappointed others. Those who are pleased feel t ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29


美國私募基金公司Colony Capital據報正考慮購買大連萬達集團所持有的傳奇影業少數股權。 外電引述消息 ...全文



美股上周五再創新高,標普500指數升0.74%, 盤中升見3027點的紀錄高位,後市可否繼續破頂?拭目以待。在 ...全文


US equities outperform but fund inflows not that strong

US equity market has been an outlier so far this year. The ratio of MSCI US and MSCI non-US index hit a record high of 1.496 on July 18, which shows how the US market was outperforming other markets. ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-26

軟銀新願景基金籌8424億 蘋果微軟等參投

日本軟銀(SoftBank)宣布,組建「願景基金2」(Vision Fund 2),蘋果、微軟、富士康、渣打銀 ...全文


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