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頁數:1...89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

World's largest trading nation China needs to abide by the rules

... e Western Reserve University School of Law, have also noted that China procrastinates in the implementation of WTO decisions. However, Webster told a hearing of the Congressional-Executive Commission ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-04

China’s feedback loop for global disinflation

As financial markets brace for the US Federal Reserve's tapering this year with an expectation that interest rates will eventually rise to keep the inflation genie in the bottle, the risk of deflation ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-04

Battening down the hatches against 'mini perfect storm'

... e Federal Reserve's plan last summer that it will soon taper its bond purchases, putting an end to the use of quantitative easing measures. As data at UBS A.G. showed, global emerging market funds hav ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-29

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... e Federal Reserve will step up efforts to taper off its bond buying scheme, which could drive funds out of emerging markets, analysts said after the city experienced a panic sell-off on Monday. The be ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-28

HSI dives over 2% after US selloff on Fed concerns

Hong Kong stocks fell sharply on Monday following steep losses on Wall Street last Friday, with investors worried that the US Federal Reserve may cut its bond-buying program further and reduce the flo ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-27


... e Federal Reserve's exit from its debt purchase plan, Jiang said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Saturday. Global investors still have mixed views on the pace of recovery of majo ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-27

China weighs tax to counter capital inflows, SAFE official says

... S Federal Reserve tapering but global market volatility might trigger capital outflows, Guan said. The foreign exchange settlement surplus in 2013 soared 210 percent from the previous year to 1.68 tri ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-24

HK Electric Investments IPO raises US$3.11 bln, WSJ says

... s Federal Reserve could trim its bond-buying program by another US$10 billion as soon as next week. HK Electric, an investment trust carved out from Hong Kong-listed Power Assets Holdings Ltd., sold 4 ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-22

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... e Federal Reserve's discount window and made available to financial institutions in 10 selected provinces when interbank lending rates top certain levels. Also as part of a move to soothe recent cash ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-21

Tencent's radical brick-and-mortar approach to e-commerce

... le app to reserve the clothes online if they cannot make up their mind whether to buy then and there. If they do decide to buy, they just tap the screen, pay through WeChat and wait a few days for the ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-16

New blueprint for coal logistics development, NDRC says

... cale coal reserve facilities, and 30 logistics parks -- each having annual handling capacity of 20 million tons of coal -- will be built. A group of modern coal logistics flagship firms will be nurtur ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-16

Zero hour for big-city land supply? Not so fast

... sures to preserve arable land. Decades of breakneck land development and construction have come down to a basic question: food. Previously, local cadres and developers were happy to build around farml ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-14

Expect more currents in calmer property market

... S Federal Reserve starts scaling back its bond-buying program. Although Jiang believes the central government won't launch new curbs on the property market this year, China needs to stabilize its curr ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-13

Monetary policy environment seen challenging, report says

...  the bank reserve requirement ratio at an appropriate time to curb systemic risks.  -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] KZ/AC/RC   ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-13

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... S Federal Reserve Janet Yellen is a Keynesian in economic thinking, who will give top priority to tackling unemployment. In view of the risk of fluctuations in the US economy, Yellen is expected to ad ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-10

RMB to appreciate 3% this year, BEA says

... s Federal Reserve, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Bank of England to maintain a tightening monetary policy. Bank of Japan, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the European Central Bank and Bank of ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-06

Exit strategies and the Tao of tycoon Li

... S Federal Reserve's exit from quantitative easing. Furthermore, with its strong market presence, the proposed separate listing of retailing arm A.S. Watson Group stands a high chance of a nice price-e ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-06

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... e Federal Reserve's decision to start tapering its bond buying program this month. POLITICS Political commentators mull new group to defend free speech A group of Hong Kong political commentators with ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-06

Heilongjiang Agriculture buys graphite mine rights, paper says

Heilongjiang Agriculture Co. Ltd. (600598.CN) announced that it acquired the mining rights on a graphite reserve in northern Heilongjiang for 300 million yuan (US$49.5677 million), China Business News ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-03

FTSE to launch onshore RMB bond index

... e Federal Reserve's newly-initiated exit from its quantitative easing may cause the story to reverse. Emerging markets are bound to suffer capital outflows as the US begins tapering its monthly bond p ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-02

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