
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ...150

SoftBank announces new US$108 billion Vision Fund aimed at AI

SoftBank Group Corp. announced on Friday a second Vision Fund aimed at investing in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, saying it has secured memoranda of understandings (MOUs) for about US$108 b ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-26

Boris Johnson ambiguous on China, Hong Kong

Boris Johnson is the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He defeated Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in an election decided by 160,000 members of the Conservative Party. There are several burning ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-25

軟銀傳成立新願景基金 集資400億美元

《華爾街日報》報道,日本軟銀(SoftBank)即將宣布成立被稱為第二個願景基金(Vision Fund)的新 ...全文


政經不明朗 房託投資情緒差

日前元朗驚爆白色恐襲,區內商舖生意大受打擊,連帶附近地區的消費情緒也受影響,並殃及多隻房託基金(REITs)價 ...全文


Top investors lose US$1 bln as STAR Market reverses on day two

The biggest shareholders in China’s new Nasdaq-style STAR Market lost a combined US$1 billion in the second day of trade on Tuesday, a day after the board’s roaring debut created three new billionaire ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-23

Equifax's US$700 mln settlement over data breach spurs backlash

Credit-reporting company Equifax Inc. will pay up to US$700 million to settle claims it broke the law during a massive 2017 data breach and to repay harmed consumers, Reuters reports. While it was the ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-23

越南經濟有瞄頭 買ETF搭順風車

越南被視為中美貿易戰下的受益者,為規避美國關稅措施,不少廠商把生產線由中國轉移至越南,讓越南經濟前景愈益受投資 ...全文



明天7月21日,日本將舉行參議院選舉,外界普遍預測執政自民黨將保持優勢,為未來數年日本正式修憲鋪路。日本一眾在 ...全文


Ping An-backed Lufax to exit P2P lending business: report

Lufax, one of China’s largest online wealth management platforms that is backed by financial giant Ping An Insurance (02318.HK, 601318.CN), plans to exit its once-core peer-to-peer lending (P2P) busin ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-19

孫正義:日本AI落後 乏投資機會

日本軟銀集團創辦人兼社長孫正義警告,日本缺少投資機會,並在發展人工智能(AI)的競爭中落後。 孫正義在供應商和 ...全文


出招遏投資過度 大型內房債利好

在美國聯儲局月底減息憧憬下,債券投資備受追捧,高息債收益率已跌至超過一年低位。不過,在債券之中,高息債仍是尋求 ...全文


The Great Crypto Heist

There is a good reason why every civilized country in the world tightly regulates its financial system. The 2008 global financial crisis, after all, was largely the result of rolling back financial re ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17

Hong Kong loses IPO crown; social unrest to blame

Budweiser APAC scrapped its plan to raise up to HK$76 billion in a Hong Kong listing, a deal that could have marked the world's biggest IPO this year. Last month, Hutchison Chi-Med, a biopharmaceutica ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17


國際貨幣基金組織(the International Monetary Fund)總裁拉加德(Christin ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年07月16日

HK vegan meat substitute Omnipork plans mainland push

Vegan startup Right Treat plans to launch its plant-based pork substitute Omnipork in mainland China as early as the third quarter of this year, founder David Yeung told mainland media outlet 36Kr. Th ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16

Boris Johnson and the threat to British soft power

Since the United Kingdom’s Department of International Development (DFID) was created 22 years ago, it has lifted millions out of poverty, sent millions of children to school, and saved millions of li ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16

跑贏通脹退休產品 BCT銀聯盼明年推

積金局年初設立「投資解決方案實驗室」,鼓勵業界為打工仔開發包括退休後的投資方案。BCT銀聯集團董事總經理及行政 ...全文


Gold: Impact from US and Chinese policies

Gold prices have been on a wild ride. Between 2000 and 2011, they rose from US$280 to around US$1,900 per ounce before falling back to US$1,050 in 2015. Currently, they are trading at around US$1,400 ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15


積金局年初設立「投資解決方案實驗室」,鼓勵業界為打工仔開發包括退休後的退休投資方案。BCT銀聯集團董事總經理及 ...全文



上海科創板上月13日開板後,首批共25家科創板公司將於本月22日上市。科創板掀起新股認購熱潮,據指個別公司有多 ...全文


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