
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ...150


... 是physical act,條例規定的是括號中副詞所描述的姿體或動作形態。乖乖企好聽話聽歌,我能明白。 來到草 ...全文



... r Privacy Act),明年1月1日生效。法例令加州消費者有權要求企業披露其擁有的個人資訊、資訊來源類別 ...全文



... il Rights Act),禁止種族隔離。珍珠港事件後,曾停刊4年,共22版,現已成歷史文物,藏於紐約公共圖 ...全文


National anthem bill sets extended period for filing charges

... have retroactive provision. The main spirit of the bill is promoting respect for the national song, the March of the Volunteers, in behavior that is natural, easily understood and not difficult to dis ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-10

企業債市瘋癲 災難歲月重演

... y Hawkins Act),要求聯儲局每半年向國會提交執行經濟與貨幣政策的報告,以確保該局能維持經濟長期增長 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年01月10日

Expert panel seeks law against abuse of bus drivers

... ledged to act on its recommendations in consultation with relevant parties, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The panel, chaired by Justice Michael Victor Lunn, vice-president of the Court of Ap ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09


... ment Data Act),要求美國聯邦政府機構在保護私隱及國家安全的前提下,以開放及機器可讀取的格式,在網 ...全文



... nes Oxley Act 2002)在美國出台後,引起一大輪的上市公司董事局改革,進化成客戶/股東/董事/僱 ...全文



... nitiative Act of 2018),象徵把一直被中國視為勁敵的印度,正式納入美軍的戰略同盟及保障範圍 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野郭耀斌2019年01月05日

One in 3 HK people would emigrate if they had the chance: survey

...  begun to act on it, marking an increase from the 13.4 percent who revealed such initiative in the previous survey. For the survey, researchers took in the responses of 708 Hongkongers aged 18 or abov ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

棟篤笑藝人抨王儲獨裁 YouTube照播

... 》(Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj)第2集,時值《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家、沙地記者卡 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年01月03日


... g Product Act於2018年11月19日生效。次日,大城市街道店舖的snus和IQOS的可見商標和招 ...全文


Hong Kong activists to face trial in Japan for shrine protest

Two Hong Kong activists who were arrested by Japanese police two weeks ago after they staged a protest at a controversial Tokyo war shrine have been charged with trespassing and will face trial in Jap ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28

Promoting living wage in Hong Kong

... ations to act together and strengthen the civil society. In 2001, Citizens UK held a meeting in East London in the presence of representatives from local churches, mosques, schools and community organ ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28

Donald Tsang gets last chance to have conviction overturned

... r Tsang’s act of no declaration of interest was serious enough to convict him, Montgomery said. Tsang had told a radio program that he did not declare the deal because he did not think there was confl ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-21

特朗普簽旅藏法 北京抗議干內政

...  to Tibet Act)被視為美國對西藏問題及中國人權表達關切的指標法案,眾議院首先通過,參議院本月11日 ...全文



... tizenship Act)撤銷他的加拿大國籍;加拿大《國安法》亦會繼續封鎖影響國家安全的「中國組織」。 香港 ...全文


Lam wins high praise from Xi during duty trip to Beijing

... ernment's active participation in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as its efforts to solve the problems concerning the intere ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Harnessing the digital revolution for sustainable development

... ed. Many factors can influence sustainable development outcomes. For example, the global financial and economic crises that began in 2008 – and the subsequent responses by regulators and policymakers ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18


... irst Step Act)之前,「JUSTICE」搜詢次數同樣也突然增加。 ...全文


頁數:1...93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ...150

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