市場昨日盛傳保誠暫停由經紀轉介內地客戶, 惟事後遭保誠否認。有保險經紀指出,內地人在港投保必須親自來港進行投保 ...全文
全球最大的資產管理公司貝萊德(BlackRock)向港交所(00388)提出修訂上市條例建議,要求上市公司把過 ...全文
... 幅收窄至0.81%。保誠(02378)昨日曾跌0.65%, 收市倒升0.52%,報153.8元。宏利(0094 ...全文
... 保險(01299)及保誠(02378)亦已發出內部公告。友邦先急挫後回順,輕微低收0.8%,報42.65元。保 ...全文
由中科礦業(00985)作為主要股東的國際資源(01051),去年底宣布擬出售印尼Martabe礦山權益,所得 ...全文
... 只有3名亞洲人。英國保誠(02378)更似乎只有一名亞洲董事,但根據其最新業績數字,亞洲業務佔集團營運利潤三分 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年02月17日
Touted as the "Fight of the Century", the epic match between boxing legends Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather in Las Vegas was the talk of the sports world earlier this year. Brands everywhere also ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-23
The Hang Seng Index is likely to extend its rally next month as the market has risen in July for the past 10 years. Investors should pay attention to local financial and interest rate sensitive plays ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-23
The US Justice Department is investigating whether an employee of HSBC Holdings Plc leaked confidential client information to a major hedge fund, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed sourc ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-26