
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ...150

EU leaders pick France's Lagarde for ECB top job

European Union leaders agreed on Tuesday to name France’s Christine Lagarde as the new head of the European Central Bank (ECB) and also sealed a deal on filling the EU’s other top four jobs, Reuters r ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

More companies turning to co-working space

June was anything but uneventful in Hong Kong. Curiously, however, the stock market performed relatively well over the month. The Hang Seng Index rose about 6 percent for the month. While more moderat ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03


港股自5月回落後,為買入高息股提供良機,不過一些熱門的收息股早已被炒高,影響收益率。市場雖然仍有不少高息股供選 ...全文



外電引述消息報道,於2013年成立的中國電子商務初創公司小紅書,正洽商5億美元(約39億港元)的新一輪融資,公 ...全文


ETF回報 主動未必勝被動

本港首隻主動型交易所買賣基金——工銀中金美元貨幣市場ETF(03011)最近終於上市。美國加息周期見頂,確實為 ...全文


Redress: An NGO with a mission to make fashion sustainable

If you were to meet Christina Dean, you would know instantly she is a woman on a mission. It took just one cycling trip from Hong Kong to China to convince her that she needed to address the fashion i ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

Trump says China trade deal possible, tariffs could be lower

US President Donald Trump said a trade deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping was possible this weekend but he is prepared to impose US tariffs on virtually all remaining Chinese imports if the two co ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

HK$5.5 million raised in one day for G20 ads on extradition bill

Hong Kong activists have raised HK$5.48 million (US$701,800) in a single day in an online crowdfunding campaign to apply international pressure on the government to completely scrap the now-suspended ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-26

US prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions

The United States is looking for talks with Iran to help ease tensions in the Persian Gulf region, with President Donald Trump saying he is not seeking war with Tehran. “I’m not looking for war,” Trum ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-24


為了紓緩經濟下行壓力,中國近期再推鼓勵基建投資政策,容許地方政府專項債券所募資金,用於特定基建項目的資本金。區 ...全文


恒指波幅指數「兩線相交」 後市凶兆要提防

「習特會」確定於本月底的20國集團峰會期間舉行,中美貿易談判尚有迴旋餘地,刺激港股昨日急升超過700點,收復牛 ...全文



保德國際發展(00372)公布,預期截至3月底止,全年綜合盈利介乎2.65億至2.95億元,去年同期股東應佔虧 ...全文


軟銀斥資16億 首涉足醫保業

日本軟銀集團(SoftBank Group)首次投資醫療保健領域,在美國醫療初創公司Collective He ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月19日


先前提到英國金融行為監管局(Financial Conduct Authority, FCA)將於2021年後 ...全文


軟銀斥16億 首次投資醫療保健領域

軟銀集團透過旗下願景基金(Vision Fund)對三藩市初創企業Collective Health投資2.0 ...全文


Importance of cash flow cannot be overstated

UK star fund manager Neil Woodford apologized on YouTube to investors earlier this month after he was forced to suspend redemptions from his flagship fund in the wake of massive withdrawals. The way I ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-18

Lujiazui Forum offers hope for progress in US-China talks

The world will be closely watching the G20 summit that will kick off in Osaka, Japan on June 28. As of now, there is no clarity as to whether Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold talks with his US c ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-17

添定期提取元素 不單考慮回報

目前市場為退休前投資的工具甚多,強積金計劃的投資亦是以退休前累積財富為目標,惟市場在提取退休儲備階段的投資產品 ...全文


美股大戶部署 睇好消費能源

受中美貿易戰、本港政治困局拖累,港股及A股近況反覆,反觀美股在減息憧憬下升勢持續,投資者可能覺得美股現時更加好 ...全文


Much more than a trade war

In recent weeks we have been reading a lot about the so-called trade war. The matter is better described as a negotiation between the largest consumer and the largest supplier with important political ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-14

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