... 供應包括Grand YOHO(2508伙)和世宙(1129伙);西貢區則包括部分將軍澳南的地盤,如提供960伙 ...全文
... 勢洶洶的朗屏8號。 YOHO Town錄減價「跳船」 目前元朗區連同新地的峻巒1A期,四個新盤待售單位共逾18 ...全文
中原地產區域營業經理蕭頌崴稱,元朗YOHO Midtown 1座中層A室,實用443方呎,原業主去年9月開價6 ...全文
... 因是元朗Grand Yoho項目工程較繁複,入伙紙申請時間將由今年6月延遲至下半年,影響銷售部署。 雷霆指出, ...全文
利嘉閣地產分行經理蔡志和指出,元朗YOHO Town 1座高層G室,實用面積約393方呎,兩房間隔,外望元朗市 ...全文
... 目將於下月1日在元朗YOHO MALL形點II進行路演及派發福袋,昨天已委託代理進行推廣,預計農曆新年後推售, ...全文
... 2期。 Grand YOHO首批1100伙 元朗區可算是新地今年推盤重點,除前述兩個樓盤外,接近西鐵元朗站的G ...全文
... headed to YOHO Mall in Yuen Long, looking forward to dining at SALT Recipes, a Scandinavian restaurant inside Homeless Furniture Store. On the table I was welcomed by six kinds of exotic salt. The pin ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-19
... moves to Yoho Town in Yuen Long. Executive director Tessa Lau Siu-man said it is a pity to have to move the cinema and that many citizens had expressed their regret online. She did not reveal by how ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-30
... r flat in YOHO Town in Yuen Long costs HK$6 million. It's little surprise many younger prospective buyers are taking this route to home ownership at the expense of people with genuine housing needs. G ...More
EJ Insight2014-09-02