... plies the Android operating system that runs on Samsung’s phones. Samsung has a range of other opportunities for growth in the self-driving car business. Earlier this year, the company closed its US$8 ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-01
Google昨天公布可在Android手機設計擴增實境(AR)程式的工具,名為ARCore,加強與蘋果就手機A ...全文
... e訂單的市佔率,並在Android電話訂單中提高平均價格。該行指由於3D感應需求增加,發展混合鏡頭將令公司盈利 ...全文
... ne of 160 Android phone models and have downloaded the compatible app. “Mobile payment companies were worried about their future just four years ago, but the spread of technology has exceeded the imag ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-24
... ne of 160 Android phone models and have downloaded the ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2017年08月24日
Google發布新一代作業系統Android 8.0,正式命名為Oreo,與一款曲奇同名,延續以甜食命名的傳統 ...全文
... 上圖】,概念跟該廠的Android遊戲平板Wikipad【下圖】太相似,要求對方賠償及禁售有關產品。 不過,有 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年08月16日
有「Android之父」之稱、智能手機作業系統Android開拓者之一魯賓(Andy Rubin)創辦的智能手 ...全文