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蘋果Apple TV五月面世 可付費看電影

蘋果在2019年春季發布會上,宣布推出新的串流媒體服務,名為Apple TV Channels。同時推出名為A ...全文


蘋果推Apple Card 現金回贈2%至3%

蘋果行政總裁庫克在2019年春季發布會上,宣布推出名為「Apple Card」的實體信用卡,用戶可無限額地獲得 ...全文


蘋果推Apple News+ 納入雜誌內容

蘋果公司本港時間周二凌晨1點舉行2019年春季發布會,宣布推出新的蘋果新聞服務「Apple News+」,將雜 ...全文


只許州官放火 不許百姓點燈

常言道:「口講無憑,身體最誠實!」為了顯示對華為的忠心,華為對旗下員工使用主要競爭對手Apple的產品,總是限 ...全文


擺脫依賴iPhone 自家製內容星光熠熠

... 為「蘋果電視頻道」(Apple TV Channels),蘋果據報希望其影片串流可撼贏該界別的龍頭Netfli ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月26日

科技霸權褪色 什麼股成新寵

... 黑衣人,殺氣騰騰對付Apple、Facebook、Google和Amazon作封面,寓意歐盟將以嚴厲監管降服矽 ...全文


New York Times CEO warns publishers ahead of Apple news launch

Apple is expected to launch an ambitious entertainment and paid digital news service on Monday in a challenge to streaming video leader Netflix. But it is not likely to feature the New York Times, Reu ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-22


... on Music)和Apple Music等串流音樂平台去年佔英國唱片業收益54%,為史上首次。 CD銷售去年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月22日

調查:內地87%人用支付寶 力壓微信支付

... Q錢包、度小滿支付和Apple Pay則排名第三至第五位,惟與支付寶和微信存在明顯差距。 Statista指出 ...全文


China's GoPro rival Insta360 plans IPO in 2020

... including Apple Stores. Founded in 2014 by Liu Jingkang, the Shenzhen-based tech firm considers itself as the world leader in 360-degree cameras. Its flagship products include Insta360 ONE for amateur ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-21

Apple unveils new iPad series in bid to stay competitive

Prior to a special event scheduled for March 25, Apple surprised the market on Tuesday with the launch of two updated versions of the iPad. The unveiling of the new iPad Air and iPad mini demonstrates ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-20

Student, 19, dies after collapsing during PE class

... ording to Apple Daily, the student was said to be pacing around at the side of the sports ground before feeling unwell and then fainting. The PE teacher immediately notified a staffer of the facility ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-19


... 12仿生處理器,支援Apple Pencil,且提供64GB和256GB容量版本,仍舊使用Home鍵,採用指紋 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月19日

蘋果推新iPad Air 售價499美元

... 出的新款iPad支持Apple Pencil,具有繪圖、書寫和照片修飾功能。蘋果表示,新的iPad Air和i ...全文


Can Hong Kong follow Israeli footsteps in innovation?

... tion from Apple and Facebook. The acquisition of Mobileye, an autonomous-driving mobile phone startup by Intel for US$15.3 billion was another big deal. In another deal, home-grown taxi app Gett was v ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-18

Will HK readers be willing to pay for online information?

Apple Daily announced recently that readers will need to register to gain access to its online version. But they will continue to enjoy free content, it said. The media group did not elaborate on its ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-18

Apple: Spotify wants benefits of a free app without being free

Apple Inc. responded to Spotify Technology SA’s complaint with EU antitrust regulators, saying the audio streaming service “wants all the benefits of a free app without being free”, Reuters reports. S ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-15

Qualcomm owes Apple nearly US$1 billion, US judge rules

A US federal judge has issued a preliminary ruling that Qualcomm Inc. owes Apple Inc. nearly US$1 billion in patent royalty rebate payments, though the decision is unlikely to result in Qualcomm writi ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-15

絕美新聲 真無線耳機科技

... 出語音指令,便可啟動Apple Siri或Google Assistant等語音直接存取功能,享受娛樂體驗,同 ...全文



... :記得買一台48K Apple II電腦,耗盡了我一個暑假打工的收入;通過一部卡式機把錄音帶上的遊戲程序導入電 ...全文


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