亨得利(03389) 二零一八年年報 (8531KB, PDF) ...全文
亨得利(03389) 發行股份及購回股份之一般授權、 重選退任董事 及 股東週年大會通告 (389KB, PD ...全文
亨得利(03389)公布,截至去年12月底止,全年盈利6874.6萬元(人民幣‧下同),每股盈利1.5分,派末 ...全文
亨得利(03389) 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度之全年業績公告 (508KB, PDF) ...全文
亨得利(03389)今早價量異動,市前9時02分左右錄得共2.3億股M盤大手交易,每股造0.325元,涉資約7 ...全文
At least seven spouses or children of sitting and former senior Chinese officials hold Hong Kong identity cards, according to leaked documents from the Panama Papers. They include Zhang Xiaoyan, daugh ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-04
亨得利(03389)於上周五異動,最多升8.3%,高見1.18元,收市升0.06元或5.5%,報1.15元;成 ...全文
Hengdeli Holdings Ltd. (03389.HK), the Chinese retail partner of Swatch Group A.G., agreed to acquire a majority stake in a watch seller in Nanchang, capital of eastern China's Jiangxi province, for 4 ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-13