... 及耀才證券發盈喜外,卡撒天嬌(02223)及中國中材(01893)亦發盈喜,卡撒天嬌表示,預期今年上半年盈利大 ...全文
覆蓋全球最多國家的土耳其航空,於今個春天推出全新廣告。整個廣告合共5個系列,以「旅行的精髓在於尋找新的體驗」為 ...全文
荷里活經典電影《北非諜影》(Casablanca)令摩洛哥(Morocco)及其最大城市卡薩布蘭卡(Casab ...全文
因為口味關係,我從第一天對葡萄酒產生興趣之時,便已經對紅酒比較偏心,平日都是喝紅酒多於白酒。剛開始學酒的時候, ...全文
A nurse in Glasgow who had just returned from Sierra Leone was confirmed to have contracted Ebola, becoming the first case of the deadly virus to be diagnosed on British soil, the Independent reported ...More
EJ Insight2014-12-30
They put on their wedding attire, grabbed their backpacks, and off they went to a month-long tour of Europe to say "I do" to each other. Annie and Orange, who describe themselves as a post-1980 couple ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-20