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炒行業復甦 理紙可秤先

紙業股在5月底開始突然轉強,例如玖龍紙業(02689)短短幾個交易日,股價由6.6元水平急升至8.35元高位, ...全文


數據出籠 大市懶懶閒

恒指繼續窄幅波動,昨天微升190點,收報27657點,仍然守住高位橫行區底部,觀望氣氛濃厚。港股焦點落在首日掛 ...全文


China, Taiwan firms hold back Vietnam investments

Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers have been slowing their investments in Vietnam, and some have even begun moving out of the country, since the anti-Chinese riots in May this year, the Hong Kong Eco ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-15

Property slump dents fortune of China's richest woman

Yang Huiyan, vice chairperson of Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. (02007.HK), is still China's richest woman despite losing a chunk of her fortune in the property downturn, the Hong Kong Economic Jour ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-21

Nine Dragons to kick off production in Vietnam in 2015

Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Ltd. (02689.HK) plans to start production in Vietnam by June 2015, one year ahead of the original schedule, chairwoman Cheung Yan said on Tuesday. Vietnam has a favorable ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-25

HSI continues decline amid rate concerns

Hong Kong shares continued their decline for the fourth straight day on Thursday as investors worried over rising interbank rates. Despite news that manufacturing activity in the mainland is improving ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-24

Trust China's upper crust to protect the family pie

A group of Chinese billionaires, who can easily muster more than 10 billion yuan (US$1.64 billion) in combined wealth, reportedly paid a visit to the United States this month. But their trip wasn't to ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-22

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