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... 特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)出版了一本政策書《可持續性問題》(Sustainability Matters) ...全文


網店倘漏報稅 隨時3倍奉還

明天是遞交個人報稅表的最後限期,特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)稅務委員會聯席主席殷國煒指出,近年愈來愈多港人開 ...全文


How accountants can be innovative

I have acted as the moderator for two sessions of an annual seminar organized by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). This year's theme is “Innovation in Business”, and the two s ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-30


兩星期前的周六,筆者有幸獲邀為ACCA香港分會在其重頭節目「周年研討會」中擔任其中兩個環節的主持人。當日的主題 ...全文


Budget report good but lacks long-term vision, accountants say

... mittee at ACCA Hong Kong, said in an emailed press release. Wong said the government should consider relaxing the residence threshold for the dependent parent allowance and dependent grandparent allow ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-26

Economist Group expert: Hong Kong role assured in China push

... rs at the ACCA Hong Kong CFO Summit. O’Brien said Hong Kong’s value as a capital market has outpaced that of Shanghai in the past few years. With the Shanghai-Hong Kong through train linking both capi ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-10

Xiaomi 'may end up like BlackBerry' after initial growth: ACCA

... ountants (ACCA), a global accounting body, issued a report Tuesday to identify the next 100 companies in China which could become big players on the global stage in the coming three to five years, fol ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

HK companies face tougher environmental disclosure standards

... ft Corp., ACCA and Hong Kong's CLP Holdings Ltd. (00002.HK) However, ACCA said not many companies have done a good job of linking ESG disclosure to company performance. "Companies should link social r ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-12

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