... with the advent of social media and virtue signalers, we are moving further and further away from pragmatic entente and immersing ourselves once more in the Grand Delusion of a Cold War – except the ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-14
... s, or the advent of LGBTQIA+ rights. Yet the real problem, and the real Achilles’ Heel of the Democratic Party – as epitomised by those who are flocking to self-flagellate, as if this could give them ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-13
... with the advent of social media platforms, digital and communication technologies, and a fundamental denigration of mainstream sources of news and analysis. I have written elsewhere of the undying ze ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-31
... rough the advent of social media, the democratisation of mass communications, and the precipitous surge in person-centric, identity politics, that Western publics have come to harness the discourse of ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-07
... )。目前私募股權基金Advent International持有Evri的75%股權,餘下股份由德國郵購公司O ...全文
... 元)資金,向私募基金Advent收購航天及國防產品集團CAES Systems。 霍尼韋爾稱,交易將以現金形式 ...全文
美國多元化工業集團霍尼韋爾(Honeywell)同意以19億美元(約148億港元),從私募基金Advent I ...全文
美國私募基金Advent及阿布扎比投資局,入股美國投資富豪Ken Fisher的投資管理公司Fisher In ...全文
... given the advent of globalisation – but also the involutionary logic of late-stage capitalism. In this very process of forgetting, we are thereby un-learning the necessary skillsets, aptitudes, and co ...More
EJ Insight2024-06-06
... from the advent of pioneering technologies and start-up innovation in rural areas and under-developed inland provinces, to the richness of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is much that shoul ...More
EJ Insight2024-04-12
Groupthink - at an age of echo chambers, hyper-technologisation (through the advent of social media and digital platforms), and intensifying geopolitical competition and rivalry - is fundamentally per ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-06
... with the advent of the World Trade Organization, restricted the policy space of governments in the Global South. The adjustment programs called for governments to roll back regulations – including la ...More
EJ Insight2023-10-18
... ry is the advent of social and digital media, which have not only bolstered significantly the range of or the speed at which we are accessing information, but also our confidence in our abilities to p ...More
EJ Insight2023-10-13
Groupthink - at an age of echo chambers, hyper-technologisation (through the advent of social media and digital platforms), and intensifying geopolitical competition and rivalry - is fundamentally per ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-18
... ally, the advent of AI has incredibly real (and potentially pernicious) consequences for human society. AI-powered automation efforts will likely result in the displacement of large numbers of human w ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-30
... with the advent of multi-media communication platforms - TikTok and Snapchat, or, worse yet, obscure photo- and video-editing software that has come to supplant writing as the primary media of commun ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-10
... pital,TPG,Advent。TDR Capital,高盛購併分支及Roark Capital。 根據報道 ...全文