一向有「末日博士」之稱的經濟學家魯賓尼(Nouriel Roubini),近月叫賣的「恐慌」是美國長債再非避險 ...全文
加拿大資產管理公司Brookfield同意收購美國American Tower (ATC)旗下印度電訊基塔業務 ...全文
美國私募基金管理巨擘KKR夥拍基建基金Global Infrastructure Partners(GIP), ...全文
外電報道,美國通訊塔物業投資信託American Tower Corp.洽購數據中心物業投資信託集團CoreS ...全文
過去12個月零售行業全球併購金額高達1820億美元(約1.42萬億港元),併購潮由去年底一直持續至今年初。OK ...全文
為了支持經濟從新冠疫情中復甦,市場傳出美國總統特朗普考慮推出規模達1萬億美元的基建計劃,投資目標包括傳統基建及 ...全文
Asia-Pacific real estate investment trusts (REITs) have seen massive growth in the last two decades, growing from a US$6 billion sector of only Australian and New Zealand REITs to over 250 REITs and o ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-23
Xiaomi Corp is reported to have drawn muted interest from Hong Kong investors as the Chinese smartphone maker prepares to close the retail book for its IPO of up to US$6.1 billion. Although the offer ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-28