
共 147 個結果
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Currency management: What China needs to learn

On August 11, China devalued its currency by 2 percent and modestly reformed its exchange-rate system. This was no earth-shattering event, but financial markets responded as if a meteorite had struck ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-14

Time to admit euro is a failure and move on

European monetary union was never a good idea. I remember my surprise when, as a young assistant professor, I realized that I was opposed to the Maastricht Treaty. I believed then – and still do – tha ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-23

Why China’s growing influence is not always a matter for concern

Come to Asia and you will hear a growing chorus of concern that China is building a sphere of influence in the region. To promote Chinese foreign investment, there is the Asian Infrastructure Investme ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-12

勞工影響視情景 盛衰之下不對稱

上周從國際勞工組織(ILO)的報告中看過就業受眾多因素影響,今文繼續探討。在勞工市場中,ILO、世銀及聯合國等 ...全文


Fed under fire for a reason

The Federal Reserve is under attack. Bills subjecting the United States’ central bank to “auditing” by the Government Accountability Office are likely to be passed by both houses of Congress. Legislat ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-11

Don't bet on a stronger US dollar

Economic pundits, almost without exception, are predicting a stronger US dollar in 2015 – an expectation that is leading investors to place some very large bets. But that market strategy could turn ou ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-14

More Ukraine dilemma: Mounting debt

Insecurity is haunting Ukraine – and not just geopolitical insecurity but economic insecurity as well. Output is in freefall. The country’s external deficit is exploding and borrowing costs have spik ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

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