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新冠肺炎是人類與COVID-19病毒的世界大戰,現時全球感染人數已經超過1.4億,死亡人數超過300萬,如連同 ...全文


新冠疫苗 孩子何時可接種?

... 後的一個月,青少年的COVID-19抗體水平非常高(1239.5 GMT),相對之前在16至25歲的人(705 ...全文


Valuing resilience after the pandemic

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world one thing, it is the high price we pay – in lost lives, damaged economies, and wasted human potential – when we undervalue resilience. By applying this le ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-16


... 嚴:過去一年社會受到COVID-19折磨,那也是眾多呼吸道疾病之一。其他的還有甲型流感、乙型流感、腺病毒、合胞 ...全文


Is stagflation coming?

There is a growing debate about whether the inflation that will arise over the next few months will be temporary, reflecting the sharp bounce-back from the COVID-19 recession, or persistent, reflectin ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15


... 新冠疫苗現實主義」(COVID-19 vaccine realism)的討論為切入點,探討約翰遜政府催谷國內疫 ...全文


英「安心App」違私隱 蘋果谷歌拒更新

英國政府近日進一步放寬封城措施,同時更新轄下新冠病毒風險通知應用程式(App)NHS COVID-19。不過, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年04月14日


早前筆者分享了關於疫情期間照顧者面對生死的難題(見〈疫情下與照顧者談生死〉及〈如果我因為COVID-19過身〉 ...全文


Pandemic elevates the role of social capital in economic growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has damaged the stock of physical and human capital. Firms have postponed or canceled investment projects, and laid-off or furloughed workers’ skills have deteriorated. The crisi ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-13


... 其殲滅。之後若真的有COVID-19病毒入侵,身體認準其上的尖刺,有能力迅速製造抗體對付它們,阻止病毒感染。就 ...全文


Green is not the new black; it is here to stay

... ious, the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated effects on society and the economy. As credit investors, typically we would have some miserable, lugubrious take on such market events. Although there ce ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-12

Promoting green hiking in Hong Kong

As Hong Kong people cannot travel aboard freely under the COVID-19 epidemic, they switch to local hiking activities instead, crowding countryside hotspots and creating garbage mountains. In March last ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-12


... 當然顯示了全世界對抗COVID-19疫症的最新發展,但對我們香港人來說,卻不算息息相關。原因是現時香港引進、供 ...全文


Why racism is a form of structural injustice

... ties over COVID-19"; Chinese television promulgating Bl ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月10日

A new deal for informal workers

... ams). The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for another New Deal – one that recognizes, protects, and supports informal workers, who comprise 61% of the global workforce but have no health insur ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-09


COVID-19大流行已一年多。最初,大多數醫學專家並不認為阻塞性睡眠窒息(OSA)是感染新冠病毒的危險因素, ...全文


官民合作 防超級傳播大爆發

... ontext of COVID-19(《在新冠流行病下,改善及確保良好室內空調的路線圖》),在此指導方針的紀要 ...全文


Promotion of creativity should not rely on contest alone

... e ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 SODiC specifically proposed "data to fight epidemics" in the category of "data creativity”, encouraging participants to use open data to innovate in epidemic prev ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-08

【信報月刊】大麻「脫毒」 CBD商機大

... 可以打破禁忌,尤其受COVID-19衝擊後,紐約州州長正想打大麻主意。當地預料未來四年,庫房收入將大減630億 ...全文


Why racism is a form of structural injustice

... ties over COVID-19”; Chinese television promulgating Blackface and bizarre stereotypes of Africans in adverts. These aren’t just one-off instances of damningly glaring racism, but the tips of icebergs ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-08

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