
共 1994 個結果
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... 的收縮幅度。 第二,COVID-19削弱了美國「國家能力」(state competency)的可信性。特朗普 ...全文



香港本土的COVID-19病例,無緣無故地又升了。但可能不是無緣無故,只是我們看不出其中緣由而已。來到今天,我 ...全文



再一次,美國成為世界領袖,但是絕不會有人想要效仿的那種。在大部分北半球國家,每日COVID-19感染率已經下降 ...全文

今日信報時事評論J. Bradford DeLong2020年07月10日

A V-shaped recovery could still happen

... own up by COVID-19, the same weekly and monthly indicators that I have long relied on remain useful for separating signal from noise. During my early days as chief economist for Goldman Sachs, I helpe ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-09

山東強拆併村 農民又遭折騰

... 019冠狀病毒疾病,COVID-19)、地攤經濟能否復活,山東的新飛躍即左折騰,也是近期的熱話題。 聲稱新飛躍 ...全文


30,000, thanks!

... avages of COVID-19. The local stock market is also seen as most vulnerable to the power struggle between China and the United States. But the blue-chip index bounced back, benefiting from the rally on ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-08

Understanding the pandemic stock market

... stened it COVID-19. In the weeks before February 19, public attention to longstanding problems such as global warming, secular stagnation, or debt overhangs were fading. President Donald Trump’s impea ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-08


... 門的連鎖效應(眼下的COVID-19便是如此)。比如,我們估算,越南胡志明市百年一遇洪水所造成的直接基礎設施資 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年07月08日


... 且複雜的,新近例子是COVID-19疫情底下誰可優先得到深切治療服務,意大利的跨專科倫理指引被批評歧視高齡病人 ...全文



世界上各個經濟體為應對新冠病毒病(COVID-19)大流行,不久前開始實施封鎖政策,但這就像老遠的歷史。在危機 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年07月07日

American exceptionalism strikes out

Once again, the United States is standing out as a world leader, but not for any reason anyone would want to emulate. In most of the Global North, the daily COVID-19 infection rate is down to around o ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-07


7月第一天,美國單日新增COVID-19確診人數超過5萬人,嚇死人!流行病學專家都在預測第二波疫情什麼時候會來 ...全文


The road to healing

... nrest and COVID-19 Outbreak. Some in that camp are genuinely convinced that handouts and land reforms could ameliorate the deeply rooted antagonism and disillusionment of the Hong Kong masses. Others ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-06

Building forward with digital agriculture

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping societies around the world, in part by accelerating the digital revolution that was already underway at the beginning of the year. Since then, corporations have inst ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-06

Using technology to help reduce traffic accident

... ue to the COVID-19 epidemic, the trip will be postponed to next year together with the next champion. Like the previous year, the champion, 1st and 2nd runner-ups will also have the precious opportuni ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-06


當「Covid-19」令世界經濟大停轉,全球死亡人數逾50萬人,環球股市跌個七個一皮,不少投資名宿都認為今年都 ...全文



... ngeBacker COVID-19香港雲端馬拉松」,活動與逾40間香港慈善機構合作(我這次是為香港復康會籌款 ...全文



... 的電腦熒光幕只出現「Covid-19」幾個大字,然後傳來一把女性聲音宣布公司即時開始不再需要員工的服務。若你是 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Richard Wright、Scott Cheng2020年07月04日

An election under pandemic

... se to the COVID-19 virus at an early stage, a massive o ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點Stephan Ortmann2020年07月04日

Another option for HK SMEs seeking govt support to digitise

... ering the COVID-19 pandemic with fast-tracked approvals. In terms of funding scope, TVP covers services and solutions that are similar to those supported by the D-Biz Programme, and the government ext ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-03

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