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希債博弈靠得住 Unfriend無得輸

路邊社報道,鑑於雅典政府與歐盟的雙邊關係急遽惡化,希臘男神總理齊普拉斯決定為月底到期歸還IMF的區區16億歐羅 ...全文


Candy Crush killer? Facebook names best game

Move over, Candy Crush. Facebook picks Cookie Jam, from developer SGN, as the best social game of the year. Launched in May, the game now has more than five million players online. “Cookie Jam has bee ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-11

Understand and control your privacy: Facebook offers five tips

That creepy guy from the office has "poked" you, your boss liked that photo of you and your friends at the beach from two years ago, some Eastern European you’ve never met keeps pestering you through ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-15

Is US still the best market for Chinese stocks?

A United States listing is a badge of honor for many companies, virtually guaranteeing overnight fame and sky-high valuations. But that idealized version of the US stock market is beginning to fray an ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-02

Tech and mobile gaming plays lead HK stocks lower

Hong Kong stocks finished mostly weaker on Thursday, with technology and mobile gaming firms coming under pressure after a disappointing debut of London-based game developer King Digital Entertainment ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-27

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