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HKMA羅桂祥中學 槍迷校長實踐真民主

... 展下去。 2015年DSE成績,羅桂祥中學的整體及格率達95.7%,高於全港的83.3%,其中數學、生物、企業 ...全文


東華三院郭一葦中學校長 放下身段從學生角度思考

... 我的要求。 去年的DSE成績,郭中精英班的表現尚可,非精英班的學生能力所限,表現稍為遜色,學校明白學生的成績 ...全文



每年秋意漸濃之際,正是DSE考生為選科煩惱的時候,不知道各位學生是否計劃好今年的溫習及選科時間表?或者你會覺得 ...全文



... 。」 扶輪中學去年的DSE成績,表現中規中矩, 核心四科的平均及格率比全港平均數略低,考入大學的人數也不足10 ...全文



... ,與現時中學文憑試(DSE)的情況也不無關係。自新高中改革後,DSE成為學生升讀大學唯一面對的公開試,學生不容 ...全文


香港培正中學校長 主日學奠定教育人生

香港培正中學(下稱培正)創校於1889年,歷史悠久兼且是傳統名校,去年的DSE成績,考取超過30分的有11位考 ...全文



... 特別 觀塘官中去年的DSE成績,整體及格率接近100%,其中歷史科及會計與財務管理科尤其出色,大學入學率則達到 ...全文


HKU lands all 11 school leavers with perfect scores in DSE

... f the 689 DSE high scorers with an average grade of 5* for four core subjects plus two elective subjects have been admitted to the university. Meanwhile, HKU's arch-rival, the Chinese University of Ho ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

Is school education all about competition and grades?

The results of the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination, a prerequisite for university admission, were published last week, with the majority of the students unable to make the grade. That ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-25

DSE exam raises concern over political censorship

Hong Kong liberal studies were not a compulsory topic in the recent diploma of secondary education (DSE) examination for the first time since the test began in 2012. The test included an optional ques ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-02

Why the DSE writing test sends students into a daze

The writing exam for those pursuing a Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) in Hong Kong has often been criticized for being either too abstract or political. Students find it a bit too much, and with ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-31

Student DSE stress levels falling, survey says

Hong Kong students are less stressed about the diploma of secondary education (DSE) test this year than in previous years, according to Apple Daily. The test, a pre-requisite for university admission, ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-30

What Leung needs to say in his 2015 policy address

... f the new DSE syllabus in secondary schools. The plunge is particularly noticeable in the subject of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), where the number of students has been declining for ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-13

DSE top scorers should not sit for Occupy Central questions

Hong Kong's Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) exams may be a breeze, but the oral test afterwards was a lot more challenging. A dozen top scorers were subjected to a battery of questions by local j ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-15

I'll continue my studies in Hong Kong, says Joshua Wong

Joshua Wong Chi-fung, co-founder of the group Scholarism, said he wishes to continue his studies in Hong Kong after receiving his Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination results. Wong said he ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-14

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