... 短訊。■ 數碼港初創EVIDENT及令狐充將參與金管局批發層面央行數碼貨幣(wCBDC)項目Ensemble「 ...全文
數碼港初創EVIDENT及令狐充將參與金管局批發層面央行數碼貨幣(wCBDC)項目Ensemble「沙盒」計劃 ...全文
... e), it is evident that to succeed in life is not akin to reaching its logical end as swiftly as possible. Death is not something to be sought after – at least, for a vast majority of happy, fulfilling ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-16
... de. It is evident that this celebrity is actively wielding their social standing, popularity, and extensive reach as a tool to harm the interests of many innocent civilians. Those who can leverage can ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-07
... be. It is evident that it’s tough to be a kid in Hong Kong these days. Not only must one deal with constant pressures from one’s school, teachers, and parents – one must also put up with covetous, vit ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-10
... es, it is evident that our world today is precipitously fragmented, and bogged down in disputes between stakeholders with divergent, if not directly contradictory, interests. Resolving such disagreeme ...More
EJ Insight2024-06-06
... And it’s evident that youth can also speak up against the futility and counterproductivity of protests – whilst retaining their ‘hearts’. Yet by and large, public-facing writing is itself a hasty act ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
... ere is an evident cause motivating many involved in the protests – albeit not all, certainly not those who are opportunistic jumping onto the bandwagon or take this to be the opportunity to grand-stan ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-03
... t becomes evident that we urgently need to make a significant change and a difference. It is no longer sustainable to continue at this pace as the climate crisis unfolds. Consider the data from 2023: ...More
EJ Insight2024-04-22
投資推廣署宣布,協助了持牌金融科技公司EVIDENT在香港開設全球總部。EVIDENT與Anisos資本集團合 ...全文
... ’s, it is evident from both Prigozhin’s ill-fated, quasi-Quixotic rebellion, but also growing whispers of discontent in even the corridors of power in Moscow, that the war effort is not going in favou ...More
EJ Insight2024-02-05
投資推廣署宣布,協助了持牌金融科技公司EVIDENT在香港開設全球總部。EVIDENT與Anisos資本集團合 ...全文
... , without evident progress. Last month, an agreement between Zambia and its creditors was hailed as a breakthrough. But the relief offered to Zambia was patently inadequate. And no sooner was the prop ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-20
華爾街連月來爭奪人工智能(AI)人才,高盛成為輸家。據顧問機構Evident資料,截至9月底止,高盛過去12個 ...全文
... ion trend evident in equity allocations. While investors have been challenged by the increasingly correlated performance of bonds and equities in recent years, more than two-thirds of gatekeepers beli ...More
EJ Insight2023-11-14
... . This is evident in bank lending data, where we see rapid credit growth in manufacturing and green industries. In contrast, the growth of real estate loans (which include residential mortgages and lo ...More
EJ Insight2023-11-02
As a long-time advocate for human and environmental rights, I am terrified by the unprecedented frequency of extreme weather events. With each passing day, it becomes increasingly evident that we are ...More
EJ Insight2023-10-16
... ng, it is evident that the relevant authorities are trying. It would be unfair to posit that they aren’t. Indeed, these efforts should be applauded for the ideals for which they aspire. Yet it would b ...More
EJ Insight2023-10-10
... AI, it is evident that data infrastructure needs to be upgraded to meet this transformative technology's demands. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-06