Essayist George Santayana once quipped the above, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” At face value, this aphorism is rather apt and intuitive. After all, history sheds li ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-24
Unicorns. Privately held start-up companies valued at over US$1bn. Also the source and subject of desire for many, an engine of growth and thought leadership for the rapidly expanding start-up scenes ...More
EJ Insight2022-04-22
When most people think about soybeans, their first thought is probably of food. After all, this tiny bean has grown to become one of the top ten most valuable agricultural products in the world. Sweet ...More
EJ Insight2021-12-10
重新打造全球政經秩序真不是一件容易的事。二次大戰算是一個很好的契機,盟國特別是英、美同盟並肩作戰4年,軍民死傷 ...全文
若著名學者Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. 此時此刻仍在世,肯定會修訂代表作The Impe ...全文
美國特朗普政府的中國政策軍師白邦端(Michael Pillsbury),於其名作《百年馬拉松》中,形容中國一 ...全文
漫畫、動漫向來是日本軟實力重要一環,不管是上世紀七、八十年代「日本第一」的時候還是九十年代開始的「迷失20年」 ...全文
As the turmoil triggered by the extradition bill continues, a friend suggested a bizarre idea to solve the deadlock, which is to allow disgruntled youngsters to sell their residency through a market m ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-31
政治領袖的文膽(Speechwriter)都愛咬文嚼字,其中美國總統尼克遜的文膽William Safire更 ...全文
印度大選有很多值得談的地方。首先印度是全球最大的民主國家,人口超過10億,是被視為民主國家典範—美國的三倍。其 ...全文
假若Anthony King及Ivor Crewe兩位學者下回修訂The Blunders of our Go ...全文
今年4月日本天皇換代,按日籍中文作家新井一二三的說法,這是明仁天皇「緊急求救」後的結果。2016年8月8日下午 ...全文
看罷台灣前總統馬英九的《八年執政回憶錄》,掩卷之際不能不慨嘆兩岸關係變化之大,變臉之快。據馬英九口述記錄,20 ...全文
要數華盛頓的Insider,當年揭發「水門醜聞」的《華盛頓郵報》老牌記者伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)可 ...全文
土耳其里拉出事,第一時間想到的書是諾貝爾經濟學獎得主克魯明的書:The Return of Depressio ...全文