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美科技三巨頭發難 反對法國徵數碼稅

美國三大科技巨頭,包括Alphabet旗下Google、Facebook(fb)與亞馬遜(Amazon), 將 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月15日


... 粗口,球千仞也就不去google translate了,畢竟香港人這幾個月已經夠惱火。有良心有操守的人,面對荒 ...全文


Trump delays tariffs on some Chinese goods

... m Amazon, Google and Apple, and Bluetooth headphones and other devices, according to the report. Flat screen televisions from China, a category worth US$4.5 billion, also will face 10 percent tariffs ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-14


歐洲多個招聘網站要求歐盟調查Google,指Google利用市場支配力量,偏袒自家的求職服務。向歐盟競爭事務執 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年08月14日

Huawei readies for connected device era with Harmony OS

...  to using Google’s Android for smartphones, but claimed that it can migrate to Harmony in days if the need arises.   "We will switch to Harmony system when we can't use Android," media reports quoted  ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

ByteDance launches new search engine in China

... erts from Google, Baidu and Bing. It said the search engine would offer content from ByteDance-owned apps, including Jinri Toutiao and the Chinese version of TikTok, as well as the wider web. Toutiao ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

道指收市挫389點 日圓黃金受捧

... 點;科技龍頭股領跌,Google母公司Alphabet和亞馬遜(Amazon)均回落1%以上。 歐洲股市表現波 ...全文


道指收挫近四百 日圓黃金受捧

... %,科技龍頭股領跌,Google母公司Alphabet和亞馬遜(Amazon)均回落1%以上。 歐洲股市表現波 ...全文


Russia tells Google not to advertise 'illegal' events

Russia’s state communications watchdog has asked Google to stop advertising “illegal mass events” on its YouTube video platform, Rueters reports. Tens of thousands of Russians staged what observers ca ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12

Huawei unveils Harmony operating system

Huawei Technologies unveiled on Friday its proprietary operating system for smartphones and other devices, but said it would for now stick to using Google’s Android for smartphones. The Chinese teleco ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12

莫斯科反DQ示威 歷年最大型

... nadzor)昨要求Google停止在旗下YouTube平台播放企圖干擾選舉的「非法群眾活動」,如果Googl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月12日

手機仍用安卓 轉換需時兩天

... 將於8月19日到期,Google與華為的合作屆時亦可能終止。華為正式發布自行開發的鴻蒙OS系統,余承東表示,鴻 ...全文


AMD lands Google, Twitter as customers with new server chip

Advanced Micro Devices AMD) on Wednesday released the second generation of its processor chip for data centers and said that it had landed Google and Twitter as customers, Reuters reports. The company ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-08

特朗普再轟Google 圖阻連任總統
引述前工程師言論 CEO皮采否認

美國總統特朗普再向科技巨企發炮,周二引述一名被Google(谷歌)辭退的工程師宣稱,Google試圖干預明年總 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月08日


依家9點39分,啱啱返到嚟公司坐低開電腦,一彈Google就見到張「七夕情人節快樂」嘅jpg,再望望月曆,先知 ...全文



美國總統特朗普再向谷歌(Google)發炮,稱後者試圖破壞他的2016年總統競選活動,並警告在明年大選到來之際 ...全文


US appeals court voids Google 'cookie' privacy settlement

A US federal appeals court struck down Google’s class-action settlement meant to resolve claims it invaded the privacy of millions of computer users by installing “cookies” in their browsers, but payi ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

Why Google's photo storage app is a winner

It's hard to imagine how life would be in the digital era without Google. We use Google to search for information on the internet and the Chrome browser to access it. Most mobile phones run on Google' ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

【國際早班車】中國停購美農產品 稱價格欠吸引

... 、Facebook及Google跌幅都超過3%。 滙控確認裁員2% 高層員工為主滙控(00005)突然宣布,上 ...全文


貿戰火上添油 道指低收767點曾瀉961

... 、Facebook及Google跌幅都超過3%。蘋果和亞馬遜市值雙雙跌穿9000億美元。 歐洲主要股市全線向下 ...全文


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