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... 項大考驗。這讓我想到IBM。隨着時日演變,它最初只是售賣零售店內的收銀機,隨後轉為銷售電動打字機、巨型電腦Ma ...全文


美海軍防華 棄IBM伺服器
津大教授洛城被捕 涉竊通訊技術

美國海軍聲稱出於安全考慮,準備替換戰艦作戰系統中的國際商業機器(IBM)伺服器,因為中國的聯想集團去年收購了I ...全文



... 地發展及壯大,目前與IBM的市值已平起平坐。 同時,如Mindtree及NIIT此類較年青及規模相對較小的公司 ...全文


Western ideas a no-no in China - except for top cadres

... -ups with IBM China and Procter & Gamble China. "It's a very unusual institution in China," AP quoted Oxford's Nicholas Morris, who has taught at CELAP for a decade, as saying. "This institution's ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-04

IBM forms health unit, teams up with Apple, J&J

... reported. IBM said it will set up its headquarters for the unit in Boston with 2,000 employees, including about 75 medical practitioners. The company also said it bought two health technology firms, ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-14

Survey: 24% of HK employees want to leave jobs; low pay cited

... ey, while IBM was voted the most attractive employer in the technology sector. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-27

Chinese firms have decent track record of overseas buys

...  Lenovo's IBM deal is the most prominent success story. Eleven years on, Lenovo has grown into the world's biggest PC maker, confounding the doubters with a fivefold rise in shares and growing operati ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-27

Chinese chipmakers embrace IBM technology

Chinese chipmakers have been adopting IBM technology since the United States giant opened it to other companies. Among the latest to take the offer is China’s Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co. which sai ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-20

BlackBerry, IBM, Samsung team up on secure tablet

...  card and IBM software to wrap applications that hold sensitive data into a virtual container where they can’t be harmed by malware. Germany’s computer security watchdog is evaluating the device for c ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-16

IBM eyes bitcoin payment system for major currencies

... d source. IBM hopes to allow people to transfer cash or make payments instantaneously using the "blockchain" technology without involving a bank or clearing party, saving on transaction costs. The tra ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-13

How Apple Daily lures advertisers in the digital age

... sui cited IBM as an example of native advertisement in its supplement on big data technology. Overseas, newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post have brought native advertisements ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-11

How Hong Kong can achieve its Silicon Valley dream

... s such as IBM (United States), Samsung (South Korea), Siemens (Germany) and Huawei (mainland China), among others. A total of 4,499 Hong Kong companies have taken part in R&D involving US$852 mil ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-19

How social enterprises can benefit from big data

... chnology. IBM estimates that 2.5 exabytes of data is created every day, which could fill 57 billion Apple iPads with 32 gigabytes of storage each. This data has been collected from various instruments ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-09

Overseas M&As: What China firms need to bear in mind

... sition of IBM's PC business and Shuanghui’s purchase of Smithfield Foods Inc, the largest pork producer in the US, also had their share of setbacks. China faces the challenge of absorbing its excessiv ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-02

HP seeks buyer for its Chinese networking business

... is month, IBM completed a deal to sell its x86 server business to Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group for US$2.1 billion. “In China, all the foreign companies have had trouble in the last several year ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-27

Who's sorry now? Why Buffett must be crying over IBM bet

Warren Buffett invested US$10.7 billion in IBM in November 2011 to become its largest shareholder. Within a week, he lost more than US$1 billion in his first ever major bet on the technology sector af ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-23

Can IBM reinvent itself in a brave new tech world?

International Business Machines' (IBM) third-quarter results, announced this week, were so bad even its management was shocked. Chief executive Ginni Rometty revealed she was disappointed with the com ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-23

Lenovo moves in on Motorola, Husi moves out of offices

... siness of IBM (IBM.US) for US$2.3 billion. Both of those deals were later thrown into doubt after reports said concerns were coming from the US regulator that approves all cross-border M&A for nat ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-26

Apple a different animal under Cook

... Apple and IBM inked a deal that will bring IBM enterprise software to iPhones and iPads and IBM customers will be able to access Apple mobile hardware and service. Sounds like a win-win deal. Under Co ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-08

Your wallet: The next digital battlefield

... ences. An IBM study found that 54 percent of top executives believe customers must be engaged as individuals rather than as categories or market segments. In recognition of changing customer expectati ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-02

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