美國拜登政府周四宣布,計劃禁止俄羅斯卡巴斯基實驗室(Kaspersky Lab)生產的防毒軟件在美國銷售,指卡 ...全文
美國馬里蘭州州長霍根(Larry Hogan)發布緊急指令,禁止在州政府設備和網絡上使用中國的短視頻分享應用T ...全文
蘋果表示,倘若歐盟修訂規例,容許iPhone用戶直接下載應用程式軟件,預料將導致網絡罪行的風險升溫。軟件聯盟反 ...全文
俄羅斯反壟斷機構FAS表示,蘋果公司通過App Store濫用其在流動應用市場的主導地位,將發布一項命令,要求 ...全文
俄羅斯反壟斷監管機構昨天表示,已開始針對調查蘋果公司,指蘋果可能濫用在智能手機應用程式領域的主導地位。 俄國網 ...全文
A US judge has dismissed two lawsuits by Kaspersky Lab that sought to overturn bans on the use of the Russian security software maker's products in US government networks, Reuters reports. In a ruling ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-31
微軟(Microsoft)旗下即時通訊程式Skype,被保安專家揭發有嚴重漏洞。當用戶更新程式時,黑客可輕易入 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月15日
以色列大部分初創公司聚集在特拉維夫(Tel Aviv);海法(Haifa)則吸引蘋果、微軟、華為等科技巨擘進駐 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月12日
Facebook said it removed Kaspersky Lab last year from its list of anti-virus offerings to users who go to the social media site from a computer that may be infected with malicious code. The company to ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-26
每個人對於2017年國際政經格局都有不同解讀,但相信大部分人都會同意世界似是圍繞美國總統特朗普而轉,而其內政及 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2017年12月30日
Russian security software maker Kaspersky Lab said it has asked a US federal court to overturn a Trump administration ban on use of its products in government networks, Reuters reports. Referring to a ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-19
The US government issued a technical alert about cyber attacks it said are sponsored by the North Korean government that have targeted the aerospace, telecommunications and financial industries since ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-15
俄羅斯、烏克蘭等國周二遭受一款名為「壞兔子」(BadRabbit)的勒索軟件攻擊,相信是7月肆虐全球的勒索軟件 ...全文
Cyber attacks using malware called “BadRabbit” hit Russia and other nations on Tuesday, affecting Russian Interfax news agency and causing flight delays at Ukraine’s Odessa airport. While no major out ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-25
A British technology firm believes the North Korean Lazarus hacking group may be behind a recent cyber-heist in Taiwan, the latest in a string of hacks targeting the global SWIFT messaging system, Reu ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-17