
共 301 個結果
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Recycling jeans from ocean debris is possible

The shores of tourist resort Lake Garda may seem like an unlikely place to make nylon. But it’s here that an Italian company, Aquafil, discovered a way to take discarded carpeting, clothing and fishi ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 hit ocean at steep dive: new report

Examination of a key piece of debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 suggests that the aircraft was most likely in a steep dive when it plunged into the ocean, with the wing flaps in a r ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-03

Ocean Park puts down world’s oldest captive panda

A female giant panda, which had been one of the top attractions in Ocean Park since 1999, was euthanized on Sunday after her health condition worsened rapidly due to multiple chronic diseases. Jia Jia ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-17

COSCO and China Shipping to merge shipbuilding units

China’s two biggest state-owned shipping companies plan to merge 11 shipbuilding yards into a single entity in one of the industry’s biggest consolidation moves yet, the Wall Street Journal reports, c ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-06


麗新發展(00488)油塘住宅Ocean One,涉嫌在4份報章及售樓說明書中,刊登誤導性的廣告及資料,違反《 ...全文


Shunned ‘New Model’ reappears in final Obama-Xi discussions

Last month, US President Barack Obama was in Hangzhou for a G-20 meeting and, while there, held what is likely to be his last substantive bilateral talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two men ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-03

Photo of whale shark, apparently dead, angers netizens

It was a wondrous sight, a four-meter-long whale shark swimming gracefully in waters off Sai Kung. But just a day after the video clip was published on social media and brought cheer to local netizens ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-08

Video clip of whale shark in Sai Kung waters goes viral

A large whale shark was spotted in Hong Kong waters earlier this week, according to a video clip doing the rounds on social media.  On Tuesday, a man posted footage of what he claimed was a four-meter ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-07

Nearly 250 freshwater turtles saved at Tseun Wan beach

Animal rescuers picked up nearly 250 red-eared slider turtles off a beach in Tsuen Wan on Sunday, saving them from possible death, after receiving an alert that a family had released the creatures int ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-29

MH370 pilot had Indian Ocean path on home simulator: Malaysia

The pilot of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had plotted a flight path into the Indian Ocean, but it is only one of thousands of routes that were on his home simulator, a top Malaysian official s ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-05


老牌醬油品牌同珍集團旗下的首聯有限公司,涉嫌於2014年違規賣樓,被一手住宅物業銷售監管局(銷監局)引用《一手 ...全文


Monster fever shows no signs of abating

The hunt for monsters continues unabated, more than a week after Pokemon GO landed in Hong Kong. And it looks like the online craze is hooking up strangers and turning them into friends. Nearly three ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

Ocean One違規賣樓罰20萬

麗新發展(00488)旗下油塘樓盤Ocean One,涉嫌在銷售過程中違反《一手住宅物業銷售條例》(下稱《條例 ...全文


Arbitration setback: Beijing could have avoided the humiliation

Paul Reichler, a well-respected practitioner of public international law, was the lead counsel for Manila when an ad hoc international tribunal rejected Beijing’s claims to disputed waters in the Sout ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-19

油塘Ocean One 涉違規賣樓

《一手住宅物業銷售條例》(下稱《條例》)自2013年4月實施逾3年,陸續有樓盤被檢控,其中麗新發展(00488 ...全文


Will Shanghai Disney stifle the growth of HK theme parks?

Asia is on the cusp of a theme park boom. Shanghai Disneyland opened in June, Wanda City opened in May and 14 more Wanda theme parks are set to open by 2020. And by 2018 Universal Beijing, 21st Cent ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Where should investors put their money now?

Hong Kong has seen significant capital inflows as international investors sought out safe-havens and high-dividend plays amid an uncertain global macro environment.  As a result, REITs and some risk-o ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-12

Ocean Park denies hush money allegations after child accident

Ocean Park, Hong Kong's popular marine-themed tourist attraction, has rejected accusations that it sought to keep a child-related escalator accident under wraps by paying hush money to the victim's fa ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

Kowloon Bay blaze: honor heroes by learning from tragedy

The city is still grieving over the two firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty, Senior Station Officer Thomas Cheung and Senior Fireman Samuel Hui. Condolences continue to pour in for t ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-28

Mourning as newborn dolphin dies at Ocean Park

What should have been a joyful celebration at Ocean Park turned into mourning after a newborn dolphin lived for only a few minutes. The baby dolphin was born to a 15-year-old bottlenose dolphin on Wed ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-23

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