I spent the morning earlier today at an excellent conference hosted by The Economist, titled “Technology for Change Asia”. The conference promised – and delivered -- the opportunity to deep dive into ...More
EJ Insight2024-02-28
美國聯儲局上周宣布維持息口不變,市場認為主席鮑威爾議息後「放鴿」,債息應聲回落,特別是10年期美債息從5厘樓上 ...全文
汽車電子龍頭企業安森美(ON Semiconductor),隔晚預警第四季電動車需求放慢,股價大跌兩成二,加上 ...全文
美股三大指數上周表現兩極,道指連升兩星期,相反標指與納指錄兩周連跌。論走勢,科技相關指數表現最曳。納指、納斯特 ...全文
Following the May G7 summit in Hiroshima, US President Joe Biden claimed that he expects a “thaw” in relations with China. Yet despite some recent official bilateral meetings – with US Secretary of th ...More
EJ Insight2023-06-01
美國半導體製造商ON Semiconductor公布,第二季每股經調整盈利為1.34元(美元‧下同),收入為2 ...全文
中國的雷射雷達技術公司禾賽科技宣布,完成超過3億美元的D輪融資,領投方包括高瓴創投、小米(01810)、美團( ...全文
美國共和黨議員麥考爾(Michael McCaul)代表兩黨聯合小組(Bipartisan Group)周三向 ...全文
Sony Corp plans to start testing self-driving cars as early as this year in a bid to beef up the company’s sensing and safety technologies, Reuters reports. The Japanese electronics giant revealed the ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-07
全球第二大代工晶片生產商格羅方德(GlobalFoundries)宣布,與美國半導體集團ON Semicond ...全文
Investing in large US information technology companies appears to be one of the highest consensus trades among institutional investors. US technology companies seem to enjoy a perfect blend of structu ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-24