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周大福雙動力策略驅動增長 為顧客塑造極致體驗

... 寶數碼化定制平台D-ONE,採用工業4.0框架,把高度自動化的生產線與顧客無縫對接,提供滿足顧客訂制產品需求的 ...全文


Fed tipped to hike rates early 2022

...  2023 and one in 2024. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-06


... NE(MONACO ONE發展項目第2期),發展商會德豐地產表示,集團密切留意疫情發展作出評估,再決定項目銷售 ...全文


On quarantine, pandemic controls and common sense

... ve as the one we're confronting. The final, and plausib ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月06日

Winning a Mark Six jackpot under the fifth wave

... erday. No one claimed the top prize so the snowball now accumulated to HK$105 million. In other words, one lucky winner could take home a nine-digit cheque in the coming weekend although it is quite p ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

On quarantine, pandemic controls and common sense

... ve as the one we’re confronting. The final, and plausibly least discussed facts, is that many amongst the international community have been increasingly wary of and fed up with the draconian quarantin ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

Why is IMF trying to be an aid agency?

Who is going to clean up the inevitable financial mess in emerging markets if persistent inflation forces the US Federal Reserve to start raising interest rates significantly? The International Moneta ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

The whims of emissions reduction

... a survey done by BritainThinks, a polling firm, for the Green Alliance, a group of think-tanks, indicates that the public is keen on green taxation, with around 60% supporting a levy on carbon. Howeve ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-04

The democratic threat to democracy

... emocracy, one must distinguish between two types of autocratic models. First, there are regimes such as China’s, where the Communist Party’s leadership and power cannot be contested. As was the case i ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-04

Hong Kong: Where East and West no longer meet

... mework of One Country, Two Systems.” This paper linked the Hong Kong elections to “whole-process people’s democracy” in the mainland and said that the groundwork had now been laid “for developing demo ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-03

開市焦點:新年開局料20天線爭持 港股通明恢復

... 交付14087輛理想ONE,較2020年12月同期增長1.3倍;第四季度交付按季增長40.2%,按年增長1.4 ...全文



... 交付9.05萬輛理想ONE,按年多1.77倍;12月交付1.41萬輛理想ONE,按年漲1.3倍;第四季度共交付 ...全文



... 年業績大進,旗下理想One在12月交付14087輛創新高,按年多130%;第四季交付35221輛,按年增長40 ...全文


理想ONE去年12月交付1.4萬輛 按年增1.3倍

理想汽車(02015)公布,公司於2021年12月交付14087輛理想ONE,較2020年12月同期增長1.3 ...全文



... 界World as One」為主題,為表彰抗疫有功的第一線醫護人員,將由中央流行疫情指揮中心指揮官、衞福部長陳 ...全文


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