
共 3000 個結果
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Heat therapy

I am reliably informed that the prisoners housed on the top floors of Stanley Prison are being held in appalling conditions. The temperature is 36º, the cells are small and have no internal cooling de ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

The mental health crisis must be tackled with pragmatism

... y for the one in seven Hong Konger who - per MINDHK, in citing a report from the Food and Health Bureau - that experiences a common mental health disorder at any given time. Statements from the govern ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

Cutting the Gordian EM restructuring knot

... national Monetary Fund (IMF) seemingly clears the way for future progress, we doubt that the treatment of Sri Lanka’s debt to China is repeatable. However, as with the mythological Gordian knot, if th ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

How fares Hong Kong 3 years after China’s crackdown?

... licy that one critic, Tim Hamlett, recently announced that he was “giving up on Hong Kong politics.” In a column published in the Hong Kong Free Press on May 12, the British writer and commentator wro ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

Globalization’s warring narratives

Globalization brings the world together through the movement of people, things, ideas, money, and much else. But talk of globalization has become increasingly divisive, with competing assessments of t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-06

全層近萬呎樓面 每呎70元

... 面,把總部搬到黃竹坑One Island South,而會德豐地產原佔該廈的最少3層樓面則推出放租,除租出23 ...全文



... 健通」轉型為綜合的「One eHealth」系統,為我建立一個單一的個人健康紀錄。我的「醫健通」紀錄目前只有醫 ...全文


疫後暑期檔 荷里活電影大熱精選

... ,又會想與Dr. Jones踏上冒險旅程。 《奪寶奇兵》系列橫跨40年,Dr. Jones這個角色在夏里遜福的 ...全文


Thousands of Hong Kong people in Taiwan fail to get residency

Thousands of Hongkongers in Taiwan are trapped between their desire to settle and the government’s increasing suspicion of anyone who arrives from the city. Between 2019 and 2022, nearly 40,000 Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-05

NOVO LAND 2A期提價2%加推
93伙平均呎價13888元 本周末賣首輪

... 錄得成交,位於粉嶺的One Innovale第3期One Innovale–Cabanna昨天售出D座9樓20 ...全文


If Trump returns

... ility was one of Trump’s most potent political tools. Insofar as Trump has deeply held political views, they are eclectic, rather than traditionally Republican. He has long expressed protectionist opi ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-02

Why the Fed is hard to predict

One might think that predicting the US Federal Reserve’s next policy moves would become easier now that it has already hiked interest rates ten consecutive times, for a total of five percentage points ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-02

China opens new railway to Europe – without Russia

... ng Russophones”. Before the invasion, Kazakhstan export ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月02日

高先戲院取消6.4包場放映會 稱業界提醒敏感日子

網購平台「如一As One」在社交平台表示,原定6月4日在高先電影院包場放映《尚未完場》,但收到電影院通知,有 ...全文


Staying invested in China could pay handsome dividends

... llenging. One of the topics often discussed among global allocators relates to China and its role in a portfolio. With geopolitical tension dominating headlines around the world, there's a natural ten ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-01

America and China on a collision course

... out to be one of the most important in the group’s history. The US, Japan, Europe, and their friends and allies made it clearer than ever that they intend to join forces to counter China. Moreover, Ja ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-01

China opens new railway to Europe, without Russia

... ng Russophones”. Before the invasion, Kazakhstan exported goods to the world market via the northern rail route through Russia. By connecting with China’s rail network and cross-Caspian corridor, it c ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-01

石門新都廣場全層 連4車位放售值逾億

... 出筲箕灣單幢住宅新盤One Eighty的零售部分,市場估值逾1億元。 仲量聯行資本市場部資深董事黃國華表示, ...全文


One Eighty基座旺舖放售 市值逾1億

老牌發展商林氏家族旗下筲箕灣One Eighty地下及一樓舖位,現委託仲量聯行獨家代理出售。該物業可單獨購買個 ...全文


恒地邀中學生參觀One Innovale 推動可持續發展

恒基地產(00012)早前邀請了一班修讀生物學科的中學生,參觀位於粉嶺北的One Innovale,一個糅合創 ...全文


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