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PENINSULA EAST三房海景降價111萬成交

油塘PENINSULA EAST 2座低層D室,實用面積870方呎,3房套房間隔,望海景,原先開價1100萬元 ...全文



樓價和地價回落,部分發展商趁機就手上的土地補地價,最近一宗涉及越秀地產(00123)油塘東源街的住宅發展計劃, ...全文


高息環境 發展商變招賣樓

本欄一向強調息口是影響樓價的最重要因素,從需求角度看,當息口上升,每月償還按揭金額增加,令可支配收入減少,對潛 ...全文


親海駅II呎價1.57萬 市區七年低

為刺激樓市氣氛,有全新樓盤選擇低價出擊,長實(01113)油塘親海駅II昨天公布首張價單,共132伙,折實平均 ...全文



政府發出強制檢測公告,要求於指定期間曾身處16個指明地方的人士接受新型冠狀病毒病核酸檢測。 北角和富中心5座、 ...全文



政府發出強制檢測公告刊憲,要求於指定期間曾身處76個指明地方的人士接受新型冠狀病毒病核酸檢測。 包括西營盤高街 ...全文



油塘PENINSULA EAST 1座高層C室,實用面積547方呎,2房間隔,座向北方,可享開揚景致,最新以9 ...全文


Where are America’s red lines in East Asia?

Global geopolitical attention remains focused on the war in Ukraine. But a significant shift, potentially even more serious in the long run than Russia’s invasion of its neighbor, seems to be occurrin ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-06

雲頂據報欠燃料費 郵輪泊邁阿密將被扣押償債

外媒報道,陷入財困的雲頂香港(00678)所經營的豪華郵輪水晶合韻號(Crystal Symphony)若停靠 ...全文



舖市轉旺,發展商亦把握時機出貨,會德豐地產發展的油塘單幢項目PENINSULA EAST基座商舖,以3.1億元 ...全文


How building new key roads can cut congestion

Hong Kong, like many cities across the world, is grappling with growing congestion and inadequate transport systems. Even though 90 percent of all passenger trips in Hong Kong are made on public trans ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02


歐洲伊比利亞半島(Iberian Peninsula)4天內遭受兩股風暴吹襲,葡萄牙和西班牙合共有至少9人喪生 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月23日

N Korea fired multiple unidentified projectiles: South Korea

North Korea fired multiple unidentified projectiles early on Wednesday, less than a week after firing two new short-range ballistic missiles, the South Korean military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) sa ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-31

Japan, South Korea raise stakes in dispute over forced labor

Japan and South Korea have raised the stakes in a dispute that threatens to disrupt global supplies of smartphones and chips, with South Korea denouncing Japanese reports it had transferred a sensitiv ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10

N Korea's Kim oversaw testing of multiple rocket launchers: KCNA

North Korea has conducted a “strike drill” for multiple launchers, firing tactical guided weapons into the East Sea in a military drill supervised by leader Kim Jong-un on Saturday, the North’s state ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

Do eroding freedoms mean the death of Hong Kong?

Is Hong Kong really dying? That was the topic of a seminar last week organized by veteran politician Emily Lau Wai-hing at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club. A controversial topic at a sensitive venue, ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-22

Do eroding freedoms mean the death of Hong Kong?

Is Hong Kong really dying? That was the topic of a semi ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年11月22日

粗獷基調 融和典雅

一提到工業風(Industrial Loft)設計,自然聯想到十九世紀的工廠風格。不過,這種設計向來混搭多變, ...全文


Pyongyang visitors: The spotlight is on Xi and Moon

The denuclearization agreement reached by US President ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年08月23日

Why China, Japan need to stick close together in coming days

Sino-Japanese relations have seen remarkable improvement over the past year. The biggest breakthrough came in May this year, when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Japan, putting an ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

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