
共 1840 個結果
頁數:1...72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ...92

A blueprint for ending child marriage

When a young girl is pushed into marriage, the damage can last long after her wedding day. Research shows that girls who marry before the age of 18 receive less schooling than those who marry later, f ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-08

Rethinking productivity growth

Today, the world’s population is, on average, about 20 times richer than it was during the long Agrarian Age. Between 7000 BC and AD 1500, resources were scarce, technological progress was slow, and M ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06

America's bad border tax

The United States may be about to implement a border adjustment tax. The Republican Party, now in control of the legislative and executive branches, views a BAT – which would effectively subsidize US ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06

How the next financial disaster will strike

In early 2007, the worst financial crisis in almost 80 years began to unfold, coming to a head 18 months later with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and shock waves felt around the world. Desperate gov ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

How to survive the Trump era

In barely a month, US President Donald Trump has managed to spread chaos and uncertainty -- and a degree of fear that would make any terrorist proud -- at a dizzying pace. Not surprisingly, citizens a ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-21


以色列佔領巴勒斯坦土地超過半世紀,到今天這個猶太國家已沉浸於民族主義中,並變得拒絕既有的以巴邊界。多得總理內塔 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點Shlomo Ben-Ami2017年02月18日

Trump the reluctant multilateralist

Donald Trump did not assume the US presidency as a committed multilateralist. On that, partisans of all political persuasions can agree. Among his most controversial campaign statements were some sugg ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-16


特朗普就任美國總統接近一個月,他要令進步平等主義(Progressive-Eqalitarian)這全球都認為 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點Jacek Rostowski2017年02月11日

Why Trump can't bully China

As US President Donald Trump proceeds to destabilize the post-war global economic order, much of the world is collectively holding its breath. Commentators search for words to describe his assault on ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-10

Globalization advances in a more digital way

Around the world, countries are rethinking the terms of engagement in global trade. This is not all bad; in fact, acknowledgement of globalization’s disruptive effects on millions of advanced-economy ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-09

擁抱特朗普 犧牲全球穩定

英國首相文翠珊(Theresa May)上月中旬公布「硬脫歐」藍圖;在同一個星期,新任美國總統特朗普,會見了英 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點Guy Verhofstadt2017年02月04日

Why millennials will reject Trump

The key political divide in the United States is not between parties or states; it is between generations. The millennial generation (those aged 18-35) voted heavily against Donald Trump and will form ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-03

Trumping the renminbi

At the recently concluded World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Chinese President Xi Jinping mounted a robust defense of globalization, reaffirming his country’s “open door” polic ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-01

Theresa May’s Trump card

In the same week that British Prime Minister Theresa May outlined her vision for a “hard” Brexit from the European Union – withdrawing from the single market and the customs union – incoming US Presid ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-27

Inclusive capitalism or bust

“Science knows no country,” said the great 19th century chemist Louis Pasteur, “because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” Today, the innovative technologies ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-26

From economic analysis to inclusive growth

Most economies are seeking a recipe for inclusive economic growth, whereby high rates of investment, rapid innovation, and strong GDP gains are pursued alongside measures to reduce income inequality. ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-23

Why mobile connectivity is a lifeline for refugees

They were fresh off the boat, the group of refugees I met this time last year. They had fled their homes in Syria, traveled halfway across Turkey, and placed their lives in the hands of a gang of peop ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-19

Lessons from Germany for integrating refugees

Governments around the world are facing a huge challenge. The number of international migrants has surged in recent years, reaching 244 million in 2015 – a 41 percent increase from 2000. With that tot ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-17

Looking back on Barack

Any assessment of Barack Obama's eight-year US presidency should start at the beginning: his first inauguration, on January 20, 2009. The US economy was in free-fall: financial markets had seized up, ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-16

Trumpian uncertainty

Every January, I try to craft a forecast for the coming year. Economic forecasting is notoriously difficult; but, notwithstanding the truth expressed in Harry Truman's request for a one-armed economis ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-11

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