
共 2409 個結果
頁數:1...104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 ...121

Safety is all high net worth investors want, for now

Investors' mood constantly changes with the fluctuating market and economic data. Amid the recent A-share collapse and renminbi devaluation, the mindset of mainland investors also swings from seeking ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28

If only we listened to them before the market crashed

Who could have predicted the spring blossom and the summer crash? What happens in autumn? What lies beyond? It's a shame that tycoon Li Ka-shing won't come out and meet the press today during the firs ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

SMEs caught in smart appliance dilemma

Household appliance makers realize their future depends on "smart" products that will appeal to the tech-savvy consumers. In line with this emerging reality, quite a few major brands have already laun ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-24

When will the eight-digit mobile phone number era end?

If you receive a call that starts with “4” or “7” starting from next year, don’t panic: it is not likely to be a phone scam claiming to be from the Liaison Office and asking you for a money transfer. ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-24

How our education system is deepening the wealth gap

International Baccalaureate (IB), the Swiss-based education foundation, has published its exam results worldwide. The results show 27 of its Hong Kong students scored full marks (45 points), accountin ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-22

Looking for an ideal husband? Here's the best advice

In an online forum post that has gone viral in Hong Kong, a female netizen expressed her grief over being called a “bitch” after she told her girl friend that she was making a wrong marriage decision. ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-22

Infiniti launches program to support startups in Hong Kong

Automaker Infiniti Motor Company has launched a 12-week entrepreneurship program to help startups develop their business and look for investors. A total of 145 startups from Hong Kong and around the w ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-21

Freelancing: Hong Kong women get the hang of it

A major difference between working men and women in Hong Kong is the latter are more likely to quit their job once they get married and have babies. But many would still want to work part-time to supp ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-21

Trends that electrical appliance makers should pay heed

Although one may find it hard to name even half a dozen local household electrical appliance brands in Hong Kong, the truth is that the city is quite a significant player in the production and export ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-17

This is what happens when scammers bomb

Like apples in a basket, a cohort of scammers can have a few rotten, useless ones. They're not the sort of guys who thought up the courier con (you have an illegal substance in your parcel), the threa ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-14

Jack Ma buys most expensive home in HK from the Yuens

Desperate times, desperate deal. We are talking not about Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation but the record-breaking HK$1.5 billion (US$190 million) that Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. chairman Jack Ma Yu ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

One app, one world but not in Hong Kong

How quickly people forget. Only three months ago, the Hong Kong government welcomed Uber with open arms, hailing it as a success in its efforts to attract foreign investors. So, when police raided Ube ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

Big data, big promise?

The past is a foreign country. So is the future. And an integral part of the future is big data. Big data is defined by technology research firm Forrester Research as “techniques and technologies that ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-10

HK start-up boosts bike riding safety with award-winning helmet

One year at Harvard turned Jeff Chen Hao-ren, a student from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), into a startup co-founder. As an exchange student in the United States, Chen of ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-01

Why the city’s iconic Octopus card is so yesterday

We all love the Octopus card. It's just so convenient. It seems we can’t live in Hong Kong without it. But if you look at how an ordinary day passes north of the border, you may think otherwise. In th ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-31

Honeywell bags Melrose metering unit for U$5.1 bln

Honeywell International Inc. has agreed to buy the utility consumption metering business of Britain's Melrose Industries Plc. for about US$5.1 billion. It's the largest acquisition by Honeywell in mor ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-29

Guess what? There's always a third way in investing

Even in normal times, individual and institutional investors alike have a hard time figuring out where to invest and in what. Should one invest more in advanced or emerging economies? And which ones? ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-28

Kai Ching kids show signs of intellectual development delays

Secretary for Food and Health Dr. Ko Wing-man has sought to allay fears that children found to have excessive lead levels in their blood would experience stunted intellectual growth. Ko said signs of ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

How to visualize tons of real-time data without blinking

"Fintech" is is a relatively new buzzword that is used to describe technology-enabled financial transactions. Peer-to-peer lending and third-party payment services such as Alipay and Tenpay are good e ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

DAB caught between serving HK people and pleasing Beijing

Beijing has relied on the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) to serve as a stabilizing force for the city's middle class.  It wants the pro-establishment party to f ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

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