
共 2410 個結果
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Tencent to launch voice assistant for WeChat users

Chinese social media and gaming behemoth Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) is set to introduce a voice-activated assistant for WeChat, offering greater convenience to users of the messaging service in tasks ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-10

Government has to become smart to build a smart city

After nearly eight months of preparation, my new book Responsive City will be published soon. The publishing house asked me to invite a well-respected figure to write the preface for the book. I thoug ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-10

雷軍禁售延1年 小米照插7%
開市前發自願承諾函 圖挽股價頹勢

小米集團(01810)上市剛滿半年,大批股份的禁售期昨天解除,市場憂慮令小米股價雪上加霜。小米昨日在開市前發出 ...全文



達爾文在1859年發表《物種起源》。廿多年後,他的表弟高爾頓爵士(Sir Francis Galton)創立了 ...全文



本欄上周五以「異象啟示股市短期將勁彈」為題,內文有句「恒指或挾到百天線」,文章出街不足一周,港股連飆四日近千四 ...全文


Why Apple is altering its OTT strategy

Apple may not be participating in the Consumer Electronics Show that is underway in Las Vegas, but the company has still found itself grabbing the news headlines, thanks to a key announcement. The US ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09

【異動股】雷軍承諾額外一年不售股 小米仍低開逾半成

小米集團(01810)低開5.4%,報10.5元創上市新低,成交額暫有3780萬元。 集團上市滿6個月,其上市 ...全文


開市焦點:再戰二萬六 留意特朗普講話

中美舉行第二天貿易談判有進展,決定加時,今天繼續磋商,美國總統特朗普周二在Twitter稱中美談判進展良好,投 ...全文



小米集團(01810)宣布,控股股東雷軍、Smart Mobile Holdings Limited及Smar ...全文



投資推廣署(InvestHK)昨日(8日)宣布,一連5天的「2019 StartmeupHK創業節」將於本月2 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年01月09日

Why Xiaomi and TCL forged an alliance

Xiaomi Corp. (01810.HK) continues to explore new business partnerships to boost its business. After Xiaomi announced that its Redmi smartphone brand will start operating independently, it was revealed ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08

Data is the key for 'future readiness'

The World Economic Forum's recent Global Competitiveness Report saw attention being drawn to the ranking of different countries. But what was even more thought-provoking was the theme of the report, w ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08

Why people still prefer PC for work

Apple ran a commercial last year in which a kid with an iPad asks, "What's a computer?” As the first to come up with the term "Post-PC era", Apple is obviously aiming to replace personal computers wit ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-07


周三收市後蘋果公司掟震撼彈,突調低第一財季收入預測,隔夜蘋果股價大跌一成,連同美國12月ISM製造業指數遜預期 ...全文


Govt to open up more data amid smart-city push

The Hong Kong government is set to open up more of its data resources to the public, creating an opportunity for private firms and individuals to utilize the information and build smart-city solutions ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

FF郵件揭分家細節 恒大健康獲南沙工廠

恒大健康(00708)早前公布,旗下時穎、持有法拉第未來(FF)的合資公司Smart King和其他相關方達成 ...全文


【異動股】恒大健康再彈近17% 逆市見兩個月高

恒大健康(00708)逆市造好,暫時最多升16.5%,報12.7元近兩個月高,現升13%,成交額1.58億元。 ...全文


How companies can tap into the power of data

For many years, I've been promoting the importance of having a digital mindset. A whole new mindset is especially critical in the big data era, assuming greater significance than even data resources o ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03


第四次工業革命帶來的科技和生產系統改變,讓市民大眾受惠,並增加向上流動的機會,是為世界經濟論壇提出的「未來就緒 ...全文


【異動股】恒大健康高開近半成 FF訴訟告終

恒大健康(00708)今早高開4.8%,報10.8元,成交額暫有108萬元。 集團公布,旗下時穎、持有FF(F ...全文


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