獲伊朗支持的也門胡塞武裝無視美國等十多國發出的最後通牒,周四在紅海美軍艦艇和商船附近引爆無人船,未有造成損毀或 ...全文
Is the dollar poised to lose its dominance of global economic and financial transactions? Many commentators apparently think so. Russia obviously hopes they are right, given that it has been shut out ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
埃及蘇彝士運河(Suez Canal)周二再次「堵船」。意大利油輪「Rumford」駛經運河南端時,因引擎故障 ...全文
埃及蘇彝士運河(Suez Canal)一艘巨型貨輪堵塞航道事件,救援隊伍嘗試讓貨輪重新浮起的最新行動宣告失敗。 ...全文
隔晚國際油價抽升,帶挈石油股逆市走高,今日公布業績的中海油(00883),股價扭轉連跌七日頹勢,現升0.9%, ...全文
顯示風險胃納情緒指標的美滙,隔晚再攀至4個月高位,觸發美股大幅波動,道指收市更抹去曾升364點升幅,最終倒跌收 ...全文
作為歐亞運輸命脈兼全球最重要水道之一的蘇彝士運河(Suez Canal),周三因一艘巨型貨輪擱淺而完全癱瘓。運 ...全文
After the end of Anglo-Nepalese war (1814-16) and the signing of The Treaty of Sugauli, relationship between Nepal and the British Raj was said to be somewhat frosty. Things only started to warm up af ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-02
Panama has recently severed its longstanding diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China, reflecting in part its increasing economic reliance on China. With a small population of 3.7 million, Panama ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-15
Last week’s visit to Egypt by King Salman of Saudi Arabia resulted in 22 agreements, including a US$22 billion oil deal to prop up Egypt’s moribund economy. But the lavish aid came at a price: Egypt h ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-18
Egypt received a show of international support on Thursday as it inaugurated a major extension of the Suez Canal, Reuters reported. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he hopes the New Suez Canal will ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-07
China is on its way to establishing its first overseas military base, and this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh said China was negotiating to build a military base ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-18