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... msung Pay、Tap&Go「拍住賞」、轉數快及PromptPay,並預計將會接受支付寶和微信支付。 推 ...全文


iPhone 16出貨量料較上代多10%

... ne競爭對手可以進入tap-and-go(即點即付)流動支付或近場通訊(NFC)技術,並容許開發商使用其NFC ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年07月12日

蘋果允競爭對手使用即點即付支付 免歐盟巨額罰款

歐盟反壟斷監管機構表示,蘋果公司將向競爭對手開放其「即點即付」(tap-and-go)移動支付系統,從而結束了 ...全文


Cocktails On Tap

時尚界有Fast fashion,酒界有亞洲首創的Cocktails On Tap(汲飲式雞尾酒),全都以快速為賣點。Cocktails On Tap是去掉調酒師在酒吧的現場角色,改以汲飲系統(Draft System)提供已調製好的各類酒精及非酒精性的雞尾酒式飲料,當客人點單後,就立刻能從一整排拉吧中斟出飲料,這就是剛於怡和大廈開設分店的Draft Land酒吧。 Draft Land在20 ...More

EJ Insight2024-07-10

French Far Right wins election, closer to power

...  power to tap phones and Internet communications. The prospect of a RN government has alarmed the French establishment and those who fear becoming its victims, especially the five million Muslims, the ...More

EJ Insight2024-07-01

Must we understand the past, to get to grips with China's future

... ow from a tap. The emperor would keep the tap fully open and running – until or unless he felt threatened or challenged by one of its many ‘tributary states’. Then, the tap would be closed off, at tim ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-23

France faces most right-wing government since 1945

...  power to tap phones and Internet communications. While it supports European aid to Ukraine, it would not allow French arms to be used to strike Russian territory. On the economy, it would cut VAT on ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-23


... ial)、一拍即付(Tap to Everything)、點擊即付(Click to Pay)、數據代幣化(D ...全文



英國牛津大學舞蹈學會徇眾要求,把上學期一次tap dance workshop變成本學期固定課堂,所以我上周開 ...全文



... 企及非牟利機構,提供Tap & Go「拍住賞」及「轉數快」0%交易費用優惠。 作為香港5G發展的先驅, ...全文



... 種舞蹈都有興趣:一是Tap Dance,另一是Jazz Dance。直覺踢踏舞是「開心舞」,小時候在明珠台看一 ...全文


蘋果傳擬開放NFC技術 免歐盟反壟斷調查

路透引述消息人士稱,蘋果公司可能容許市場競爭對手使用其「隨插即用技術」(tap-and-go technolo ...全文


Tap & Go成首批參與港泰跨境零售支付工具

HKT Payment Limited旗下Tap & Go「拍住賞」支持香港金管局「轉數快 x Pro ...全文


The Imperative role digital coupon plays in the retail industry

... market: 1.Tap instead of scan In the current market, digital coupons mostly come in the form of QR codes, which some people find challenging particularly the older generation. However, we've observed ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-27

Hong Kong Ballet Gala & Great Gatsby

... ogue. The tap dancing solo in Act 2, though exciting, tends to slow down the narrative. The narrative is generally clear and straightforward. Act 1 has a steady momentum. Act 2 starts with a flashback ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-07

Can businesses still capitalise on sales events in APAC?

... chants to tap into different segments of their audience in the same market. Optimisation and future proofing are key It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of setting up payments, and expecting the c ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-30

HKT Payment支付方案商戶冀破萬

... 上消費,陳厦蒂透露,Tap & Go銀聯虛擬卡在內地的交易金額,今年首三季較去年同期增加六成,較201 ...全文


Architecting the future of banking and wealth management

... done, and tap into market-moving trends to build for a better and brighter future. Almost all financial institutions have embarked on strategic technology initiatives, though some have stumbled, and m ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

中航信受惠行業復甦 伺機分段吸

... 度,雲計算應用平台(TAP)、航空公司銷售前端系統等重點項目完成建設;航空公司數碼化零售中台解決方案(TRP) ...全文



... yHK、內地支付寶或Tap & Go付款,於7日內到參與商戶消費可享精選禮遇。 ...全文


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