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踏入第二季,新盤大戰一觸即發,新地(00016)屯門御海灣II率先開價並趕下周賣樓,目前至少有9個全新住宅項目 ...全文


硬撼御海灣II及晉環 3盤勢爆搶客戰

新盤交投近日雖有放緩之勢,惟多個全新樓盤仍摩拳擦掌準備出擊。恒地(00012)旗下九龍東啟德THE HENLE ...全文


THE HENLEY I最快下月初首輪銷售

恒地(00012)旗下九龍東啟德THE HENLEY I(THE HENLEY發展項目第1期)部署推售,恒基物 ...全文



今年一手交投理想,部分籌備多年的新盤亦申請預售樓花,為銷售作部署。地政總署3月接獲兩宗全新的預售樓花同意書申請 ...全文


上月兩新盤申請預售 涉740伙

地政總署資料顯示,3月有兩個全新樓盤新申請預售樓花同意書,涉及740伙。 兩個新盤分別為恒地(00012)旗下 ...全文


恒地啟德THE HENLEY第1期月內應市

長假期後發展商趕緊推盤,恒地(00012)旗下九龍東啟德沐泰街7號項目昨天命名THE HENLEY, 率先登場 ...全文


THE HENLEY第1期涉479伙 最快本月發售

恒地(00012)旗下九龍東啟德沐泰街7號發展項目命名為THE HENLEY,第1期命名為THE HENLEY ...全文



I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul ...全文


兩種客觀數據 顯示中國盛衰

經過多年的超高增長,中國經濟已於不情不願中墜進經濟盛衰循環,隨高增長而至的,不論政府如何「巨調」,只要存在市場 ...全文


共患難易 共富貴難

11月16日,周五。時間過得真快,轉眼又到weekend。這個周末,老畢打算偷得浮生,往電影院欣賞《波希米亞狂 ...全文


Why Taiwan needn't worry about losing friends

Taiwan has suffered yet another major diplomatic setback as the Dominican Republic announced this week that it has decided to break off with Taipei and switch allegiance to Beijing. Almost immediately ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-03

Why Malta, Thailand are good relocation options for China's rich

It is said that making your first million is the hardest. But when it comes to ultra-high net worth (UHNW) individuals, holding on to those millions from generation to generation is actually much more ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-29

Pregnant woman dies after being found slumped in office restroom

A pregnant woman died in hospital after being found unconscious in an office restroom.  A colleague found the 40-year-old woman, surnamed Wong, slumped on the floor Monday morning in Henley Building a ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

The Eagles and the Southern California rock sound

Eagles band co-founder Glenn Frey passed away last month due to health complications. The news put the spotlight back on the iconic rock band.  For those above the age of forty, the Eagles band has co ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-15

樂壇再失巨星 Eagles靈魂結他手病逝

憑Hotel California等歌曲紅遍全球的美國著名搖滾樂隊Eagles,其結他手兼靈魂人物Glenn ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月20日

How MPF investors can protect themselves from dodgy companies

Every employee who contributes to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) can choose an account manager. After that, however, the employee has no control over which specific investment the fund manager pic ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-28

HK passport may not be as good as many think

Among the many charms that Hong Kong holds for mainland Chinese, the city's passport is surely one of the biggest as the document enables convenient visa-free entry or visa-upon-arrival facility innum ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-22

Chinese tourists loathe their passports -- for good reason

It is no secret that many Western nations harbor mixed feelings about Chinese visitors. And it shows in their actions. On one hand, they roll out the red carpet for Chinese shoppers, whose impressive ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-10

Weighing the pros and cons of more Chinese visitors

In early December, Prime Minister David Cameron will lead a large British trade delegation to Beijing and appeal for more Chinese investment, students and tourists. On October 22, about 1,500 restaura ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-22

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