美國大選上周二舉行。前任總統特朗普最終取得312張選舉人票,擊敗獲226票的副總統賀錦麗,而普選票數亦較賀約多 ...全文
核心區舖位租金回升,鄰近旺角「女人街」的豉油街及通菜街交界近4000方呎地下舖位,以每月36萬元獲連鎖食肆紅茶 ...全文
第一太平戴維斯(香港)獲委任為獨家代理,招標出售尖沙咀THE NATE全幢物業,將以現狀連租約出售,即日起招標 ...全文
兩年前疫情剛剛在美國爆發的時候,國會在討論時任總統特朗普提出總值1.8萬億美元的刺激經濟措施,《紐約時報》報道 ...全文
愈來愈多證據顯示經濟衰退將至,上周美國2年期國債孳息率短暫超越10年期國債孳息率,一度出現孳息曲線倒掛,這絕非 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年04月08日
美國第四大電訊商T-Mobile新任行政總裁西韋特(Michael Sievert)堪稱橋王,並愛破壞傳統,自 ...全文
11月18日,周一。老畢小時候必看的卡通片,非《大力水手》(Popeye)莫屬。橋段千篇一律,講述矮小瘦弱的P ...全文
The US House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust panel pressed an executive from Amazon on Tuesday about allegations that it competed against its own sellers and pushed them to buy advertising and fulfill ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-17
There’s something perplexing, though disconcertingly engaging, about social media and the way it randomly throws up stories that sit uncomfortably alongside each other. In the space of a few hours rec ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-08
The United States sent two warships through the Taiwan Strait on Monday in the second such operation this year, as the US military increases the frequency of transits through the strategic waterway de ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-23
A formula racing team made up of Hong Kong university students will enter a student formula electric car race to be held in China next month. Hong Kong Polytechnic University organized the team, the f ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-07
10年前,陳逸璇(原名陳苑淇)與李克勤合唱《合久必婚》,一曲成名,她2004年推出個人專輯,正式成為歌手。在備 ...全文
1月17日,周日。2016年頭炮,拙作標題為〈斷估冇痛苦vs錯認打企定〉。文內提到,有人計過數,在Google ...全文
Facebook, Google and other chat service providers are racing to lock down their messaging apps to prevent interception by governments and criminals, the Financial Times reported Wednesday. The move co ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-05