
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ...150


偽紀錄電影Death to 2021,繼去年惡搞2020後,把整個2021年的365天荒誕、迷離,以及瘋狂推倒 ...全文



... ,大炒特炒GameStop、AMC、Tesla等最潮股票,以及Bitcoin、以太坊、狗狗幣等加密貨幣,輕輕鬆 ...全文


Rising cyber exposure in maritime calls for urgent action

Cyber-attacks targeting the marine sector, and critical infrastructure more broadly, are growing rapidly across the world and in Asia. As the maritime industry undergoes rapid digitalisation, ransomwa ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

COVID-19 mess: We need an exit strategy

...  the Kwun Tong cluster – one fact is clear, Omicron is here, and we are bearing in full force, collectively, its devastating ripple effects. COVID-19 is likely to spread further, and, in the absence o ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

【EJFQ信析】應對加息周期 持倉靜中帶動

... 更高通脹落地生根」(to prevent higher inflation becoming entrench ...全文


應對加息周期 持倉靜中帶動

... 更高通脹落地生根」(to prevent higher inflation becoming entrench ...全文


Examining Japan’s green technology credentials

If 2021 was about talking about the environment – most notably at COP26 – then 2022 and thereafter must be about doing. Some say that the transition of the environmental agenda from theory to reality ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-24

Employment prospects in 2030

According to the results of separate surveys by the Baptist University, human resources organization ECA International, and employment service firm JobsDB HK, the salary of Hong Kong employees is expe ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-24

雷諾日產三菱增撥1766億 拓電動車業務

... (Alliance to 2030)計劃,準備未來5年共同投放逾200億歐羅(1766.81億港元),以推動電 ...全文



... 動「轉數快」App-to-app支付應用,對雄霸電子支付市場的信用卡「帶來小小挑戰」,特別是商戶要繳付2至4個 ...全文



... 至應用程式(App-to-app)支付功能。然而,有6間銀行,包括4間虛擬銀行,需要推遲至今年稍後時間才能啟動 ...全文



... y Journey To Grow My Own Veggies,用了共200天的花絮剪輯成25分鐘視頻,介紹 ...全文



... a 1:Drive to Survive(《Formula 1:極速求生》),非常好看,很高興有網球員成為主角 ...全文



... 個人選擇 拜讀Viktor Frankl的Man's Search For Meaning,我首先想到的是遊戲 ...全文


好好先生辛偉誠 接任英首相大熱
宅男財相性感迷人 與約翰遜反差巨

... 頓(Southampton)長大,父親是普通科醫生,母親在當地經營藥房,鄰居形容他們一家和藹可親。身為長子的辛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2022年01月22日

How Facebook became the opium of the masses

In the war on disinformation, the enemy can be hard to determine. Journalists, politicians, governments, and even grandparents have been accused of enabling the spread of online falsehoods. While none ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

Asia’s emissions-reduction plan for the world

World leaders came together in Glasgow last November to map out a path to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. But while the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) was undoubtedly a ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

On"Dismantling Global White Privilege"-Chandran Nair

... according to some arbitrary, non-calibrated metric), an ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月21日

Cryptocurrency in divorce proceedings

I suspect my spouse owns cryptocurrency. What does this mean for my divorce? Cryptocurrency is a fast-growing industry and one which is still poorly understood by many people. It also comes in many fo ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-20

On “Dismantling Global White Privilege”-Chandran Nair

... according to some arbitrary, non-calibrated metric), and African-American visitors face a similar fate at the hands of many in Hong Kong: they are told that they are respected, whilst they are – in pr ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-20

頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ...150

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