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Equip young people for the future

In late February, the inaugural flight of an air taxi from Shenzhen Shekou Cruise Homeport to Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port took only 20 minutes with an estimated one-way ticket price of 200 to 300 yuan per per ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-15

P2P交易監管 視乎涉業務否

市場關注部分虛擬資產交易平台列出的P2P(個人與個人,peer-to-peer)交易,是否納入本港虛產場外交易 ...全文



... outh、Brighton、Penzance。我卻怕英國4月天氣乍暖還寒,假如下暴雨颳大風,便要取消戶外活動; ...全文


Hong Kong must tell a more candid and balanced China story

There exists a curious bifurcation in international discourse on China today. On one hand, there are those who prevaricate between either of the following narratives – firstly that China has purported ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

The essence of education is defined not by the facts it imparts, but the potential knowledge it inspires students to individually pursue on their own. Put it this way – the ideal form of education act ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

光榮的告別 專訪SEVVA創辦人Bonnae Gokson

2008年,由郭志怡(Bonnae Gokson)主理的SEVVA於太子大廈頂樓開業。由成長到工作煉就的品味盡體現於這餐廳之內,不費吹灰之力就成為talk of the town。2023年年底,Bonnae宣布SEVVA不獲業主續約,將於今年4月告別,連續在社交媒體洗版數天。SEVVA陪伴香港走過16年,如今告別,郭小姐大方祝福新來者的同時,也跟我們分享了種種難忘回憶。 TEXT BY JOYC ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

PARK SEASONS呎價1.44萬 1個月貴2%

... 的屋苑,例如SEA TO SKY及MARINI等,近期二手平均成交呎價介乎1.39萬至1.5萬元,PARK S ...全文


Too good to be true 《第二十條》

... 以復加,不愧賀歲片,too good to be true。 我醒起,像內地恐怖片秘訣,因批文不容確有冤魂作祟 ...全文


將夥菲辦三方峰會 北京反對製造矛盾

... 勇踏前人未至之境」(To boldly go where no man has gone before),祝願 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年04月12日

Germany fears white ships bringing Chinese EVs

In 1853, Japanese called the four American warships sent to force them to allow foreign trade “black ships”, from the black smoke belching from their coal-fired engines. They symbolised a change which ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11


... 之間的(train to train)通訊技術,由交控科技股份有限公司提供。 港鐵表示,是次資產更新計劃將首次 ...全文


The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

Nearly one in every four university students (23%) in Hong Kong has been sexually harassed, according to a 2019 report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). A 2019 study found that lo ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

North Korea could be a different country

... m dynasty to rule North Korea, he has at least 50 nucle ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月11日


... uary 2020 to 25% during the first state of emergency de ...全文



... st coming to say some positive words)」,當中,不少外資機構渴望到港投資, ...全文


STEAM should be linked to real life

In the 2017 Policy Address, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education was proposed as one of the eight major directions to promote I&T development. Since then, funding has ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08

AI橫行世代 麥當勞大象也起飛

... 動口號為meant to be classic),還有2016年由Michael Keaton主演的《大創業家 ...全文


North Korea could be a different country

Kim Jong Un is one of the most dangerous men on the planet. The third member of the Kim dynasty to rule North Korea, he has at least 50 nuclear warheads he could fire at Seoul, Tokyo or San Francisco. ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

理想重整架構 聚焦產品與戰略

... 新設立GTM(Go to Market)團隊,負責協同新產品上市操盤計劃的落地,為市場結果負責。 報道引述理想 ...全文


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