... e the BNO visa scheme was launched in January 2021. Since then, a total of more than 150,600 have applied, and 144,576 were approved, according to the British Home Office. Potential applicants see tha ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-05
... f two new visa pathways for Hong Kongers announced by the Consulate-General in March this year, with details on its website. Under a visa scheme introduced in 2020, applicants must hold degrees from A ...More
EJ Insight2022-12-01
... f two new visa pathways for Hongkongers announced by th ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年12月01日
... to, say, Visa and Mastercard, or normal bank transactions in advanced economies. Centralized exchanges like FTX democratized the crypto domain, allowing ordinary people without technical skill to inv ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-28
... g various visa options to lure foreign workers for extended stays – 46 countries have been offering visas for digital nomads. For instances, Brazil is granting temporary visas and residence permits fo ...More
EJ Insight2022-11-09
Visa宣布,推出第三屆「Visa初創加速計劃(Visa Accelerator Program)」,邀請亞太 ...全文
... ,股價瀉8.77%;Visa升4.6%。 外圍焦點簡訊 ■ 美國商務部9月新屋銷售按月降10.9%,預期跌15 ...全文
... 指2.24%;相反,Visa業績出色,帶動道指曾漲335點,高見32172點,不過,尾段道指亦跟隨標指與納指反 ...全文
美股個別發展,微軟及Google母公司Alphabet令人失望的業績,拖累納指表現;相反,Visa業績出色,帶 ...全文
... 4.2%遜預期。■ Visa第三季盈利39.4億美元,收入按年升19%,均勝預期。■ 美泰第三季賺2.899億 ...全文
... up of BNO visa holders are aged 35-44, followed by those in the 45-54 age bracket. A total of 60 per cent of them have one or more children, with the majority of the children under 15. David Robinson, ...More
EJ Insight2022-10-24
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)調查Visa與Mastercard的安全設計,是否涉 ...全文
... irwallex雲匯Visa卡,以140多種貨幣付款,減省外滙及海外交易手續費。 此外,公司去年成立規模風投基 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年10月12日
騰訊(00700)旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK宣布,與Visa進一步深化合作,將採用Visa旗下 ...全文
... of the US visa entry. Specifically, they have to declare whether they have bad habits such as addictions to smoking, alcohol, drug, internet and gambling. For smoking, one needs to declare whether the ...More
EJ Insight2022-10-05