為了積極推動綠色初創企業發展,世界綠色組織(WGO)今年首次舉辦「2024年ESG初創企業創新科技演示日」,逾 ...全文
... D)及世界綠色組織(WGO)委託精確市場研究中心進行問卷調查,了解本地在職人士對ESG的認知程度及教育需求。調 ...全文
國際可持續發展協進會(ICSD)及世界綠色組織(WGO)早前委託精確市場研究中心進行問卷調查,了解本地在職人士 ...全文
... 方案獲世界綠色組織(WGO)及其行政總裁余遠騁等支持,確保方案符合ESG要求。舉例說,清潔工人過往經常要檢查洗 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年09月12日
由世界綠色組織(WGO)倡導、奧雅納及羅兵咸永道香港擔任技術顧問的亞洲應對氣候變化企業聯盟(Asian Cor ...全文
... nisation (WGO), an environmental conservation NGO, was based on phone interviews with about 500 office workers in the city. The results showed that 25.7 percent of the respondents use at least 11 shee ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-15
環保團體世界綠色組織(WGO)問卷調查發現,本港辦公室的用紙量相當驚人,每周消耗逾1.9億張,疊起來高度約等同 ...全文
由世界綠色組織(World Green Organisation, WGO)主辦、BCT銀聯集團全力支持的「W ...全文
Hongkongers consume 176 metric tons of tissue paper, hand towels and wet wipes each day, which is almost the combined weight of 12 double-decker buses, the World Green Organization (WGO) said. The gre ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-16
... nisation (WGO) bought the products from seven major retailers in Hong Kong between June and September this year, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. They were then sent to an internationally accre ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-08
... nization (WGO) also warns that we should not underestimate the pollution brought about by the manufacture and consumption of tissue paper. Dr. William Yu, WGO founder and chief executive, said 17 tree ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-09