... 投資於共享辦公室公司WeWork以來,開始暴露經營及管理問題。2019年時WeWork估值達到470億美元,市 ...全文
... 也將放緩。 對於投資WeWork,孫正義稱,由於對WeWork前行政總裁諾伊曼(Adam Neumann)過於 ...全文
共享辦公室營運商WeWork兩名獨立董事控告大股東軟銀,指其違反承諾,沒有向WeWork其他股東提出全面收購建 ...全文
... ber在疫情下大挫,WeWork上市大計又告吹,促使計劃減持阿里套現,用於回購或注資旗下企業。一旦配股落實,除 ...全文
日本軟銀上周撤銷向共享辦公室WeWork增持30億美元(約234億港元)股份的計劃,WeWork周二宣布將控告 ...全文
... 元(約234億港元)WeWork股份的協議,情況一如該公司早前向共享辦公室營運商WeWork股東發出的通知。 ...全文
... 元(約234億港元)WeWork股份的收購要約。終止增持計劃不會對WeWork的運營產生任何影響。 軟銀稱,雙 ...全文
美國CNBC報道,共享辦公室營運商WeWork向投資者重申,有足夠手頭現金應對新冠肺炎大流行帶來的經濟壓力。 ...全文
... tups like WeWork and Uber. SoftBank’s share price extended early gains on Monday, jumping 19 percent following the announcement of the asset sales, which will be executed over the next four quarters. ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-23
共享辦公室營運商WeWork的特別委員會要求日本軟銀,履行向WeWork股東提出收購建議承諾。 特別委員會稱, ...全文
WeWork board's special committee is preparing for a fight against SoftBank Group, saying the Japanese conglomerate should complete its tender offer promised to the office sharing company’s employees a ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-23
... s well as WeWork has made headlines in the media recently. Most of the new economies that subvert traditional industries have to snatch business at low price in the early stage of their establishment. ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-19
... 例子;如軟銀因為投資WeWork和Uber而虧損65億美元也只是去年底的事。 因此制定回報期和機制甚具挑戰。不 ...全文
美國《華爾街日報》周二引述消息指出,日本軟銀(SoftBank)早前向全體WeWork股東提出的30億美元(約 ...全文
... 拯救共享辦公室營運商WeWork的計劃,原因是監管機構對WeWork展開調查。 根據報道,軟銀周二向WeWor ...全文