
共 2907 個結果
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Choosing Lai Ching-te, Taiwan electors reject Beijing

... ny in the Western Pacific. It is nearly impossible not to intervene.” In a war, the West would impose sanctions against China. “What price would China pay? It is at the heart of the global supply chai ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16


... valent in Western Africa? An African Slave Trade Perspe ...全文


The growing risk of global disorder

The Western-led global economic order had a bad 2023. Surprisingly, the primary cause was not the emergence of an alternative order led by China, as some had anticipated. Instead, it was internal stre ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

After Covid, Thailand struggles to attract Chinese tourists

... otests. A Western diplomat in Bangkok said that this plan had been reported before the government had fully considered it. “Thais felt offended that their own police could not control law and order he ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18

Nothing changes

... e liberal western philosophy holds that the democratic process provides the essential checks and balances to prevent monsters from exercising unaccountable sway, but to my mind events since 2016 have ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14

Loss and damage as a common climate cause

... read as a Western climate scientist recounted the real-world effects of climate change – and, in particular, the horrors that lay ahead for vulnerable countries – at a 2015 conference at the Universit ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-04

Be a mouse, not a lion: How to negotiate with China

When Western leaders or companies negotiate with China, they should be a mouse, not a lion. “Remember the Chinese proverb – two ears, one mouth – talk less and listen more. Endure silence.” This is th ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Be a mouse, not a lion – how to negotiate with China

When Western leaders or companies negotiate with China, ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月30日


...  firms in Western Europe, over two-thirds of firms in E ...全文


After seven years away, Cameron’s appointment shocks Britain

... the first Western country to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 2015. “In the seven years since leaving politics, Cameron has worked on the Belt and Road project and visited China severa ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20


專才成為樓市生力軍,發展商特意提供置業優惠。萬科香港旗下深水埗連方I、西環15 Western Street及 ...全文



萬科香港為配合政府推出「高端人才通行證計劃」的搶人才措施,將會為旗下3個項目, 連方I、15 Western ...全文


With Russia, China is Big Brother

... ndreds of western companies have exited the Russian mar ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月04日

With Russia, China is big brother

... ndreds of western companies have exited the Russian market, closed their factories or left them to be confiscated. Of the countries that have stepped into this void, China has benefitted the most econ ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-02


... 預期。■ 美國威騰(Western Digital)與日本鎧俠(Kioxia)的業務合併談判破裂後,決定分拆旗 ...全文


道指收市飆511點 特斯拉失守200美元

... 升幅最大道指成份股。Western Digital宣布分拆為兩家上市公司,分別經營記憶晶片及數據儲存,刺激股價 ...全文



美國科技集團威騰(Western Digital)與日本鎧俠(Kioxia)的業務合併談判破裂後,決定分拆旗下 ...全文


中東大戰風險減 道指反彈逾500

... 期,股價漲1.7%。Western Digital宣布分拆為兩家上市公司,分別經營記憶晶片及數據儲存,刺激股價 ...全文


Understanding China can be easy, but requires humility

... gated as ‘Western media’. Western media can be good media, and it is vital that we do not place all journalists in the same basket and repudiate them in virtue of where and how they work. Yet the key ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

【國際早班車】耶倫:美國經濟表現強勁 債息或維持高位

... 股東反對,美國威騰(Western Digital)據報放棄併購日本鎧俠(Kioxia)。■ 黑石旗下財富管理 ...全文


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