
共 2403 個結果
頁數:1...100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ...121

Why can CY Leung avoid a bribery charge?

Let there be no mistake, the Hong Kong chief executive is above the rest of us. He cannot be charged under the anti-bribery law, which aims to maintain a fair and just society. But many of our legisla ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

LeTV says its set-top box sales in HK have topped expectations

LeTV has sold almost 100,000 TV set-top boxes in Hong Kong since their launch in the city last month, according to a company executive. Mo Cuitian (莫翠天), vice president and Asia Pacific executive pres ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

Why Hong Kong has an edge in developing an e-bus

Many people may have been surprised by the recent launch of a locally designed e-bus. Hong Kong has no carmakers, nor do we make batteries, a core component, for electric vehicles -- so what is our ed ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-11

How to invest in a range-bound market?

The Hong Kong stock market has become unpredictable due to uncertainties surrounding mainland and foreign capital. In this situation, what should one do? If you are a conservative investor, I would ad ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

How this sports gear e-vendor stands out from the crowd

ST Chan was probably the first one in Hong Kong to sell sports products online. When internet took the world by storm in the late '90s, Chan became intrigued by the seemingly endless possibilities of ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

China doubles down on Hollywood

Hollywood has become accustomed to deep-pocketed Chinese investors rolling into town, throwing money at co-productions and shelling out for huge distribution deals to bring Chinese films to the world ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Apple to start selling 12.9-inch iPad Pro online

Apple Inc. will open its new, larger iPad to online orders on Wednesday and says the device will be in stores later this week. The new Apple pencil and smart keyboard also will be available to order o ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Smart Beta ETF助港ETF發展

東京上海ETF交投量超香港 近年東京及上海的交易所買賣基金(ETF)交投量已超越香港,而韓國、日本及台灣均推出 ...全文


How to turn security into a performance driver for your business

Whether you’re an ISP, a managed security service provider or a web service provider, achieving true business success will rely on one thing -- how you protect yourself from online threats and honor y ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-07


香港證監會主席唐家成10月中會見傳媒時表示,擔心創業板淪為造殼樂園,而牽涉的股份往往暴升暴跌;有指證監會向港交 ...全文



近年,隨着A股市場進一步受到香港投資者所關注,相關的A股ETF因而更為投資界熟識,而ETF這投資產品亦在投資者 ...全文


Why people should prepare to live more with less

People are becoming more aware of their wants and needs. For the majority, those might finally align and become the same thing. Today, people are prepared to live with less while living more. In the n ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-02

Why smart grids are key to energy efficiency

Renowned science writer Eddy Lee, who is the convenor of the Hong Kong chapter of the international carbon emissions concern group 350.org, has organized a discussion forum ahead of the Paris climate ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-31

Apple Watch or Fitbit? It's a choice betwen style and function

Nowadays, if you are not a dedicated runner or do not work out once in a while, you're considered out of sync with the Hong Kong lifestyle. That lifestyle is responsible for a growing number of health ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-31

Apple TV challenges developers to create apps for television

Apple Inc.'s loyal army of software developers is joining the tech giant in its attempt to conquer the living room. A new version of Apple TV will feature apps on television screens that they hope wil ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-30


運動風席捲時尚界,在高踭鞋、長靴之外,運動鞋絕對是大熱之選,當中以sneakers最得人歡心,各品牌也有不少亮 ...全文


What is stopping SME appliance makers from going smart?

Big Chinese brands are rolling out all sorts of smart appliances, with features like voice control and internet connection. However, most their small and medium-sized peers have yet to jump on the ban ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-28

How we can better prepare our kids for the digital future

Learning to write computer programs has become a growing trend among schoolchildren around the world. To prepare our next generation for the raging global tech boom, I have been repeatedly calling on ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-27

JPMorgan to launch rival to Apple Pay for smartphones

JPMorgan Chase & Co. is set to launch a rival to Apple Pay that will allow consumers to pay retailers using their smartphones in stores. The largest US bank said it has already won the endorsement ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-27

Rostec shifts focus to emerging markets amid sanctions

Russian military equipment maker Rostec has been shifting its focus to China and other emerging markets from the United States and Europe. The move comes as Russia continues to struggle under western ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-26

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