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加拿大專研抗感染技術公司SaNOtize完成2400萬美元的B輪融資,由維港投資及OurCrowd共同領投,農 ...全文


A practical, efficient approach to effective data analytics

In today’s complex business environment, corporate investigations are becoming more frequent and publicized as business becomes increasingly regulated. Companies are finding themselves with increasing ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-24

Why commodity prices are likely to fall further

Big movements in the prices of oil, minerals, and agricultural commodities have been among the most salient economic developments of the past couple of years. The sharp rise in commodity prices for mu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-24

Derivatives trading growing in Asia

As investors in Asia become more active, both individuals and institutions are increasingly turning to futures and options to manage risk. Factors such as high inflation, the war in Ukraine and contin ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-23

All-weather investing

The world has changed. We are living through a pivotal time in history, marked by geopolitical realignment, high inflation, volatile financial markets and the end of a 40-year period of declining inte ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-19

A bold and realistic energy transition

Record growth in renewables, representing over 80% of all new power-generating capacity last year, is the clearest sign yet that the energy transition is gathering pace. But recent events have shown t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-18


藥明生物(02269)昨公布截至6月底止中期業績,股東應佔純利按年增長37.6%,至25.35億元(人民幣.下 ...全文


Can gender equality be saved?

Sudanese protester Alaa Salah became a symbol of her country’s revolution after standing atop a car, dressed in white, and singing to her fellow demonstrators. Ugandan climate-justice activist Vanessa ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17


本來以為今年英國的最大挑戰,是脫歐和新冠肺炎病毒,誰不知俄羅斯和烏克蘭開戰、燃油、食品短缺導致物價高企,通貨膨 ...全文


A trip to lndia: Looking into resurgence of real estate

On a recent trip to India after more than two years away I was struck by how one subject in particular led many conversations: land. The Indian residential property market has been in a protracted dow ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-11

From Great Moderation to Great Stagflation

The world economy is undergoing a radical regime shift. The decades-long Great Moderation is over. Coming after the stagflation (high inflation and severe recessions) of the 1970s and early 1980s, the ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-11

Chess and geopolitics in the supercomputer era

For centuries, chess has been a metaphor for war in myth and in literature. In the next world championship match, which will take place in 2023 between Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi and China’s Ding Lir ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-10


國家衞健委辦公廳、國家中醫藥局辦公室發布通知,附條件批准阿茲夫定片增加治療新型冠狀病毒肺炎適應症註冊申請的審批 ...全文


A step in the right direction

John Lee’s administration unveiled on Monday a series of measures designed to reopen Hong Kong to the world. As I have repeatedly written and called for previously – this is not only a sensible and hu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

The G20 in an age of war

Last October’s G20 Leaders’ Summit – held in Rome, and hosted by then-Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi – produced a declaration brimming with promises to “address today’s most pressing global chall ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

Edible oils are facing a supply crunch

Edible oil prices have hit record highs this year driven by strong demand. The diversification of the use of edible oils into a biofuel has led to the commodity becoming an increasingly important part ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04

Four recommendations for I&T development in Hong Kong

As the Central Government has clearly shown its support to Hong Kong to develop as an international innovation and technology (I&T) centre, we should seize this golden opportunity. I would like to ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-03

America’s wage-price persistence

Recent price- and wage-growth data make it increasingly clear that the US economy’s underlying inflation rate is at least 4% and more likely to be rising than falling. Although the Federal Reserve has ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-03

Fiscal policy should return to fundamentals

Recent large interest-rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank suggest that monetary policymakers are intent on moving forcefully to bring down inflation. But where are the s ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-02


內房債務危機持續困擾銀行業,滙控(00005)第二季預期信貸損失(ECL)達4.48億美元,當中有1.42億美 ...全文


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