
共 3000 個結果
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悉尼矽谷大學城 專才聚居

... Macquarie Park)。 面積6.3方公里的麥格理園,相當於香港灣仔區(逾10方公里)約六成面積。東南 ...全文


Getting close to nature enhances productivity

... ng in the park is relaxing, for women in particular. The study was conducted in four European cities on thousands of people, mostly middle-aged (40 percent were aged 46 to 65) and currently working, ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-26

What will Carrie Lam’s first 100 days be like?

... a country park for possible land to build homes for the elderly and those in need of public housing, the issue quickly turned political with opinion split along the same lines that now divide our soci ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-26

倫敦蘇豪區現樓項目Richmond Buildings
即買即住即收租 租金回報可觀

... 著名公園Green Park(12 分鐘)、St James Park(15分鐘)及Hyde Park (19 ...全文


阿富汗女記者 勇探地下市場

...  National Park),目擊犀牛如何被殘忍殺害,在強烈的腐臭和恐怖的死狀前,喜愛動物的Nelufar再 ...全文


What will Carrie Lam's first 100 days be like?

... a country park for possible land to build homes for the ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2017年05月25日

Retired man burdened by debt kills wife before jumping to death

...  at Lohas Park at around 40 minutes after midnight on Thursday, and found her 63-year-old mother lying unconscious in bed, Sing Tao Daily reports. She immediately called the police. Police officers wh ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-19

Why people who drive to work in Central are worried

... y more to park their cars in the financial district. This week we had news that a Murray Road commercial building, which served as a multi-storey public car park until the end of April, has been snapp ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-18

Govt push for public housing near country parks draws flak

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, who will step down on July 1, is pursuing his controversial plan to develop residential estates on the fringes of country parks, drawing criticisms from lawmakers and ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-18

大師姐于素秋辭世 七小福或在港追悼

...  Memorial Park內的殯儀館設靈,23日出殯,未悉會否與其已故丈夫粵劇名伶麥炳榮合葬。其父于占元首徒 ...全文


政治心臟地帶 物業具抗跌力 西敏市樓價年升14% 倫敦最強

... ,最近開賣的One Park Drive,實用面積435方呎單位,入場費57.5萬英鎊(約577萬港元),售價 ...全文


The economics of parking cars in Hong Kong

Just like the housing issue, the shortage of carparks in Hong Kong is more acute that it has ever been. Transport Department data says it all. The number of licensed private cars surged 45 percent to ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-16

How the dynamics in the Korean Peninsula are shifting

... decessor, Park Geun-hye. Moon in many ways is the opposite of Park. He is a liberal who, as a student activist, was imprisoned by Park Chung-hee, the father of the last president. A former human right ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-15

Wood Wharf新盤首度在港發售

... 市場,最新為One Park Drive,是區內首個在港發售的住宅項目,周五至日(12至14日)在港進行展銷, ...全文


金絲雀碼頭全新地標 展現都會生活新典範
倫敦高尚住宅One Park Drive 正式公開發售

... oup發展的One Park Drive全新高尚住宅,為國際著名建築師Herzog & de Meur ...全文


首都第二金融中心 擴大版圖發展住宅

... da Square Park及Jubilee Park,更是上班族中午時段相聚閒聊、放鬆身心享用午餐的好去處。 ...全文



... (One Hyde Park)為例,在76個單位中,64個是以公司名義購入;位於近年備受海外投資者追捧的九榆區 ...全文


July 1 march forced to change assembly point

...  Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. The group had used the venue from 2004 until last year. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) said the venue has been reserved by the Hong Kong Celebratio ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-11

Reviving the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal

... of just a parking lot for ocean liners. That way the terminal and its tenants can have a sustainable and extensive customer source. One way of doing so is to introduce a specific theme and local touch ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-11

Police hunt for 'blessing gang' that targeted elderly citizens

... ling in a park near her flat in Kennedy Town on the morning of April 29. The woman told Wong that she and her family are likely to be haunted by bad luck. She then introduced to the elderly lady a fem ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-10

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