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Sino-British relations to worsen with new Prime Minister

In October 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron declared a “golden era” in his country’s relations with China. Now, not seven years later, the two people campaigning to become the next Prime Min ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

The Great Lease Resignation

Right across the world, businesses are thronging to exit traditional, long-term office leases, replacing them with flexible agreements with reduced fixed space in city centre locations. IWG founder an ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

遠大醫藥(00512) 其他-業務發展最新情況

遠大醫藥(00512) 自願性公告: 本集團全球創新產品STC3141中國開展的治療急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 Ib ...全文


A decade of 'whatever it takes'

This month marks an important anniversary. On July 26, 2012, the European Central Bank’s relatively new president, Mario Draghi, famously declared that, “the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to pr ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27

Who is not on the Bauhinia award list?

A record number of people made to the Bauhinia Honours List of public service this year. A total of 493 people were honoured as members of the community and public servants who have made significant c ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27

Towards a bold yet measured reopening of Hong Kong

Hong Kong must reopen, promptly. Hong Kongers know this. Tell this to the thousands stranded abroad, keenly awaiting the next flight – and hotel slots – back to their hometown. Tell this to the many m ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-27


國家藥品監督管理局公布,根據《藥品管理法》,按照特別審批程序進行應急審批,附條件批准河南真實生物科技公司阿茲夫 ...全文


Why Sri Lanka imploded

As Sri Lanka’s economy unravels before our eyes, one must ask how this could happen in a country that is historically known for its high standard of living and stable economy. Sri Lanka’s achievements ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

The world needs a digital lifeline

In periods of crisis, digital technologies provide a lifeline that keeps people, communities, and businesses functioning. From the COVID-19 pandemic to violent conflicts and natural disasters, being c ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-21

Mr. Brightside

And so – I made it! Managed to scramble (stumble) throu ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年07月21日


自從離開芝加哥後,再沒有一個人駕車在美國穿州過省,其實在當地生活15年,叫我懷念的東西不少,那些Road Tr ...全文


Mr. Brightside

And so – I made it! Managed to scramble (stumble) through the plethora of hurdles that stood between me and home – after flight cancellations, hotel cancellations, rebookings after a chase madder than ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19


自俄羅斯與烏克蘭危機以來,「地緣政治」一直是今年一個重要的焦點話題。因此,也衍生一個值得仍然注意的趨勢,那就是 ...全文


It's high time to end Hong Kong’s quarantine inanities

For the love of Hong Kong, for the love of the rest of the country, it is high time that we put an end, once and for all, the quarantine inanities that are effectively killing – if they haven’t alread ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

Private equity’s ESG generation

When faced with a major threat, people have usually turned to religion or government for help. Today, the climate crisis is accelerating, part of Europe is at war, the United States is deeply polarize ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

China’s record high youth urban unemployment

China’s Zero-Covid policy and actions against internet, real estate and education companies pushed youth unemployment – those between 16 and 24 years old – to a record level of 18.2 per cent in April. ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-14

The energy crisis will deepen

Is today’s energy crisis as serious as similar previous ones – particularly the 1970s oil shocks? That question is being asked around the world, with consumers hit by high prices, businesses worried a ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-14

China's record high youth urban unemployment

China's Zero-Covid policy and actions against internet, ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年07月14日

Aiding the digital revolution in global financial inclusion

Around the world, high inflation, slow economic growth, and food shortages are hurting the poor the most. Coming on top of the unequal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, today’s multiple crises have al ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-13

不論是否第六波疫情 香港都不能躺平

7月8日香港再收錄新增本地個案2748宗,連續多日每天超過2500宗的新增本地個案顯示,香港在今年3月第五波疫 ...全文

今日信報時事評論尹浩柟 林順潮2022年07月12日

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