
共 924 個結果
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Trump calls for new UN sanctions against N Korea

The UN Security Council must be prepared to impose new sanctions on North Korea, US President Donald Trump said on Monday, as concerns mount that Pyongyang may test a sixth nuclear bomb as early as Tu ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-25

逾千萬元洋房 註冊5年新高

... 逾億元交易,包括山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON單號屋、南區壽臣山道東1號單號屋及大潭紅山半島B期雙號屋。 ...全文


珀御收2500票 21人爭一伙

... )及南豐集團旗下山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON昨日推出一期10號屋於周日(23日)進行單日招標,洋房實用面 ...全文


溫哥華北雪崩 5登山客遇難

加拿大溫哥華北部哈維山(Mount Harvey)上周六發生雪崩,導致5名南韓登山人士遇難。 踏懸半空雪檐 墜 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月11日

多倫多 住宅供不應求 樓價上升 樓花熱搶

... dle Path,及Mount Pleasant,是多倫多著名豪宅區。鄰近八間私立學校,全都是加拿大排行前二十 ...全文


Lessons from Trump’s healthcare debacle

...  pressure mount in coming months, follow the twitter feed of Dave Min, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine. The group Swing Left has a helpful website that enables people to find t ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

Yangon and Hong Kong: A forgotten tale of two cities

...  began to mount a nationwide anti-Chinese crackdown, forcing hundreds of thousands of ethnic Chinese to flee the country, many of whom eventually found sanctuary in Hong Kong. Many of these Chinese-Bu ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

核心區早已復甦 第9郵區一手豪宅標青

... 區,其中接近總統府的Mount Sophia、Sophia Road至Bukit Timah Road都屬於第 ...全文


Sophia Hills規模大 市中心罕見

烏節路除了是名店集中地,亦是頂級豪宅區,可是具規模的供應不多。鄰近梧槽Mount Sophia的Sophia ...全文


Carrie Lam must master the art of political compromise

... cured and mount a massive retaliation against pro-democracy activists. So far, nine people have been arrested by the police, including law professor Benny Tai, sociology professor Chan Kin-man and Rev ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-29


... arossa谷附近的Mount Torrens買了房子,也住了20年了,自己加建了游泳池,還有葡萄酒窟。我去探 ...全文


Park Geun-hye's downfall and the political legacy of her father

... tinued to mount and finally reached a tipping point last year when the political scandal involving Park Geun-hye came to light. Park Geun-hye is now out of power, but the economic hegemony of the chae ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22


... 4)及南豐發展的山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON第二期較早前截標的3A及3B分層戶,獲買家斥資5.68億元大 ...全文



意大利南部西西里島的埃特納火山(Mount Etna)周四爆發,噴出的石塊及岩漿造成10人受傷,其中6人送院, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年03月18日


... 4)及南豐發展的山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON第一期上月以7.2億元售出7號屋,洋房實用面積8087方呎, ...全文


US states mount legal challenge to Trump's revised travel ban

A group of US states launched a joint effort on Monday to block President Donald Trump's revised temporary ban on refugees and travelers from several Muslim-majority countries, Reuters reports. Arguin ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-14

新加坡豪宅Sophia Hills
毗鄰烏節路購物大道 回報可觀

... 地25萬多平方呎,為Mount Sophia Enclave的最大物業項目之一,烏節路購物大道、商業中心區和濱 ...全文



... 一客多食」個案,山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON第二期兩個分層戶去年11月獲首置買家以9.12億元購入,金額 ...全文


Ignorant policeman causes diplomatic embarrassment for Hong Kong

...  slope of Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. It includes a research institute, publishing house and educational center. It receives one million visitors a year, including foreign heads of state and government ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

Taking in Lion Rock from hilltops

Growing up in the shadow of Lion Rock, I have developed a strong affection for this magnificent mountain. A hundred years ago, when the entire Kowloon Peninsula was a rural farmland, Lion Rock stood o ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-24

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