
共 1171 個結果
頁數:1...44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ...59

Why we shouldn’t stick to the co-location arrangement

... financial hub even without the high-speed rail, but it might not be so if we give up our rule of law, because it is our long-established legal system, not our infrastructure, that defines us and makes ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-09

Hong Kong can become a regional commodity hub, says Charles Li

... a pricing hub for commodities and currencies, Li said. He said Hong Kong can serve as a bridge between supply and demand for the commodity futures and spot markets given the difference in trading volu ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

Yuan inching toward world reserve currency status

... financing hub for the multinational Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank established under China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative to meet demand for fundraising and hedging of foreign exchange. [Chin ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08


... 市計劃(Share Hub)推動共享文化,多媒體地提供如共享用具、技能、交通工具、樓宇等的資訊;英國新推的地方 ...全文


Hong Kong and Shenzhen should improve transport connections

... ommercial hub in Lo Wu and administration and finance centre in Futian to Qianhai and Houhai, while the financial and technology industries are also moving to the bay area. The western part of the cit ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-05

5 things HK airport can learn from Singapore's Changi

...  aviation hub it runs 24 hours a day. Yet if you are unfortunate enough to have to lay over at the airport during the wee hours, you won’t find anywhere to satisfy your hunger or shop for necessities, ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-04

Migrant workers could be heading home

... wholesale hub about 300 kilometers from Shanghai, is one example. It attracts hundreds of thousands of buyers seeking to source daily necessities, many produced locally, creating demand for migrant la ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-02

HK must leverage on internet to expand China presence

... financial hub after the A-share market meltdown. Global investors will still favor Hong Kong thanks to its legal system and rule of law. Hong Kong needs to develop internet finance, which would enable ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-30


... 一個土地資訊的中樞(HUB),希望政府各部門的資訊可以共容於該處的圖則上,但是談何容易。其中正因各部門自有其資 ...全文


Manufacturing: Why HK must focus on the partnership model

... n R&D hub and creating more high-paying manufacturing-related jobs. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-25


... 是Cultural Hub的Hidden Gem。 本來,筆者此德國行,主要是到萊比錫追尋有「德國莎士比亞」之 ...全文


改造歷史新地標 未來購物及文化熱點

... 計劃的Market Hub,屆時將成為購物休閒新地標。   The LakeShore展銷會 日期:11月20 ...全文


How China tech clusters are reshaping regional competition

... to a shoe hub in Wenzhou in Zhejiang. Now, new zones for more sophisticated products are gaining scale, from photovoltaic panels in Wuxi in Jiangsu to a pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical hub i ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-17

How HK, Shenzhen can be role models for mainland cities

...  become a hub for new technology and even surpass Silicon Valley in the United States. Shenzhen is a successful example of how to reposition a city’s development as part of its economic transformation ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-14

Hong Kong remains gateway to China for EU funds

...  regional hub and gateway to China and much of Asia. Europe needs investment to modernize its infrastructure. To raise the sums needed will require the involvement of the private sector, not just from ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

China seen facing challenge in realizing its 2016-20 growth goal

... rnational hub for the renminbi will depend on whether the Chinese currency manages to gain global status. One cannot take anything for granted, he said, citing the problems in the offshore yen market ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

Beyond tequilas and blueberries: Mexico pitches high-tech goods

... portation hub in the Asian region. According to the Cámara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera, Mexico's tequila exports to China are expected to double to 1 million liters in 2015 from last year. With ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Creativity center PMQ losing tenants as revenues fall

In June 2014, the Hong Kong established PMQ, envisioned as a hub for the creative and design industries, at the former Police Married Quarters on Hollywood Road in Central. One and a half years later, ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-09

How to think out of the box in investing

... d trading hub but does not mention tourism. China is undergoing a slowdown in economic growth and deflation, and it won’t encourage the outflow of capital. Meanwhile, the generation born in the 1980s ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-09

John Tsang: Falling yuan savings not a problem

... anagement hub in Asia given a wide array of investment products it has to offer, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The renminbi is the world's fifth most used currency for external payment, refl ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-05

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